Will the K60FN and MQX modules be supported by KSDK

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Will the K60FN and MQX modules be supported by KSDK

Contributor IV

Will the K60FN be supported by KSDK or will only chips released after the K22F/K64F be supported?  Is there a roadmap document somewhere?


I am also wondering about the future of MQX, will its filesystem and tcp stack be maintained when there is a different filesystem and tcp stack in ksdk?

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8 Replies

Contributor V

There are porting guidelines in an FAE presentation I was shown.

Some key points.

  • Freescale development boards use superset derivatives
  • Custom hardware can use derivative with differences in memory, peripherals, and pins
  • Port Example: from MK64FN1M0VMD12 to MK24FN1M0VLQ12
  • HAL and Peripheral drivers do not need to change – they already support different Kinetis derivatives

I am checking to see if I can post the slides of interest here. This may spur an official release of it as well.

Of course once KSDK 1.1 is released it may already be documented... (yes I am a dreamer)

With this information is seems to be moderately easy to add your specific processor (memory size & clocking) and custom board (pinning) to your installed base.

I am very interested to see how updates will be applied, but if it is simply moving over the custom (added) directories it make work well.

So implementing the K60F from the K64F or the (soon to be released) K60D should be easy. [edit] nope... see below

I myself will be implementing the K60DN512 on a custom board from the KSDK 1.1 release of the TWR-K60D100M


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Tom,

  Porting can be fairly straight forward when using a derivative of one of the superset devices supported by KSDK. Those subset devices are all listed in the KSDK 1.1 Release Notes. Make sure the K60DN device you selected is listed in the table on Section 4.

  However the K60F family is not a derivative of the K64F family, so that port would be much more difficult and is not recommended by Freescale. While they do have a lot of similarities, there are some things that could cause some unnecessary frustration like seen in this thread: K22FX & FTM KSDK crash


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Josh.

The MFS (MQX File System) and RTCS (MQX Real-Time TCP/IP Communication Suite) is still active and will be supported in ksdk.

The development of MFS and RTCS is still in progress.

Here is a list supporting devices in coming release KSDK 1.1 and for MQX:



FRDM-K22F-K02 64*


FRDM-KL03Z - not supported in MQX










*These boards do not physically exist, but you can use the associated board to develop code for the subset devices listed. So for instance, if you're interested in the K02 device, use the FRDM-K22F for evaluation but use the K02 libraries provided to write code which will run on the K22F since it is a superset device. as Anthony Huereca mentioned in his post. https://community.freescale.com/thread/336397

I hope it helps.


Contributor IV

I'm in the early stages of a project that will be using the K60FN1Mxxx15 and trying to figure out the best path forward given the changing toolchain situation.  Will the K60FN1M ever be supported or will only newer chips be supported?  It matters because this project needs a tcp stack and my options are mqx (not supported yet), ksdk (current and future support ambiguous), or use the old tcp stack that has worked for us in the past but is not ipv6 and not maintained.

Is the K60FN1Mxxx15 a subset of the K64F?  I noticed it is very similar to the 144 pin K64F.  Pinout is exactly the same, only differences I noticed are the faster clock on the K60, double the ram on the K64, and adc gain stages on the K64.

Is there any documentation on what are all the subsets and how to load code compiled for subset processer X into processor Y?  "kinetis subset" is a search term with few results, seems to be a new term.

To summarize my questions:

Will older chips ever get ksdk support, specifically the K60FN1Mxxx15?

Is the K60FN1Mxxx15 a subset of the K64F, if so can I use ksdk and/or mqx on it?

Where can I get more information on subsets?


Josh Jordan

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Josh,

  The K60FN device is already supported by legacy MQX. You can find support in MQX 4.1.1 with the TWR-K60F120M board: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MQX

  With MQX you get a full featured TCP/IP stack with all the source code provided, and there is also an IPv6 add-on option available: Internet Protocol for MQX RTOS TCP/IP Stack|Freescale

For your other questions, the K60FN1Mxxx15 is not a subset of the K64. While similar at first glance, there are some peripheral and system level differences so it will not work with the current release of KSDK. The full list of subset devices KSDK supports can be found in the KSDK Release Notes in Section 4. Certain older devices will be added to future KSDK releases, but I do not have a schedule available for the K60FN.

  Finally the MQX RTCS and MFS stacks will continue to be maintained even with KSDK. The lwIP and FatFS options that come with KSDK are provided for those interested in those particular stacks perhaps because they used them in the past, or do not want to use MQX. But RTCS and MFS will always be an option provided with MQX and updated for future Kinetis devices.


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Contributor IV

I'm in a similar situation with the K60FN.  I'm curious, is the K60FN closer to the K64F or K60D in the KSDK?  I may want poke around to see what this will take, but I'd like to start from the closest family available.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

It's closer to the K60D. 

These two app notes describe the differences, as K60D in KSDK is a Rev 2.x 100MHz device, and K60F is a 120MHz device. So the difference between K60D and K60F can be sussed out between these two app notes:

Kinetis 100 MHz Rev 1.x to 120 MHz Migration Guide

Kinetis 100 MHz Rev 1.x to Rev 2.x Migration Guide

But again, trying to port the current release to the K60F family is not something supported or recommended by Freescale.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Josh, also make sure you check out this thread: Re: TWR-K60F120M system for Ethernet communication

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