Is possible to use MQX with Processor expert in the same project?

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Is possible to use MQX with Processor expert in the same project?

Contributor I

I would like to use KDS 1.1.1 with MQX 4.1 and Processor expert, on a custom board with Kinetis K60DN256Z.


I make this actions:

- Cloned and exported BSP --> OK.

- Imported BSP in project Explorer view --> OK

- Changed MQX_CPU definition in PSP and compiled all exported MQX libs (bsp,psp and rtcs) --> OK


Then I created new KDS project but unfortunately it have no link to MQX library. Then I tried to insert a MQX example inside project by copy source from hello.c but it don't work because processor expert don't call MQX but start only its main() function.

So I try the inverse action: I imported the "hello" MQX example as new project, compiled and debugged and all was OK (task run correctly). Therefore I tried to activate processor expert on it, but the relative views was empty and was impossible add PE components.

Then I tried also to import another PE project by "File-Import-processor expert-component setting" menu but it don't work because it say that destination is not a PE project.

The last attempt has been to import the "PE_demo" example but also in this case the processor expert views was empty and was impossible add components.


After all this failed attempt I would like to ask: Is possible to create a KDS project with MQX and processor expert enabled? If yes, which action should I do?


Thanks in advance for hints or solutions



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5 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi xak,

You can create a processor expert project on kds , an there is MQX component .


Hope it helps


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Contributor I

Thank for answer, I tried to use MQX component but it dont' run.

I made this actions:

- created new KDS project with processor expert enabled.

- compiled and debugged it without problem.

- added the MQX component to project.

- added MQX library include paths in the project.

- imported "hello.c" example file.

- compiled it without errors.

But when I tried to debug it, after start running, the task address has gone to 0xfffffffe and program stopped in it.

I checked the cpu register and the PC(program counter) contained 0xfffffffe value.

Practically the program doesn't run but it is stuck at 0xffffffe address.

I tried to put breakpoint in main() function and in task() function, but they are never reached.

As countercheck, I tried to remove MQX component and recompile and all return to work correctly.

I also tried to import the "pe_demo" project over my PE project, but it doesn't compile because the error: "undefined reference to 'main' ".

I start to think that MQX component is not ready to simple use and it need also manual software changes to run correctly.

I can not use MQXLite component because I need RTCS that require the complete MQX.

I ask you if there are working examples with both MQX and PE actived or if there is documentation that explain step by step the correct procedure to set this type of project.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi xak,

You'd better not use the PE and MQX lib in the same time , because their driver are not the same.

I recommend you that : (1) only use the MQX lib , not create PE project.

(2) create PE project , can use the MQX component of PE.

And about Philippe's reply , yes , you also can use KSDK,  under KSDK project , you can also add the MQX component.



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Contributor I

Hi Xak,

I have exactly the same problem.

The only answer I found is to use MKX with KSDK and ProcessorExpert.

But I can't actually use KSDK with my processor MK60Fxx : only MK60Dxx is available :smileyconfused:.

It is not a superset of mine, and it seems quite difficult to me to adapt KSDK to my need.

If somebody has a tutorial or has been in the same situation, help would be welcome.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Philippe,

yes, so far the KSDK no not conclude the MK60Fxx chips.

While , you can use the  MQX component of Processor Expert  .

Create a Processor Expert project , then add the mqx component .



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