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An inquisitive visitor viewing i.MX6 Q7 Quad display Added by iWavesystems on June 26, 2012 at 3:51am    
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2a Added by Ruslan on June 15, 2012 at 12:29pm    
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澳洲大学挂科怎么办联系QQ1252839746,考试挂科作弊、GPA低被开除退学、收到学术警告。澳洲大学2018 S1的Final成绩已经在陆续发放了,拿到成绩的时候,有些人难免会沮丧,复习了的内容没考,考的内容没复习,所以就有科目理所应当的挂科了…… 澳洲大学向来是宽!进!严!出!随着成绩的公布,小伙伴们都在问挂科了到底该怎么办?一起来了解一下不同情况的挂科该如何处理吧! 同一学期挂科科目挂科小于等于50% 什么叫挂科科目小于等于50%呢?各大学的课程设置都是一学期4门课,如果你在一学期中挂了1-2门,但是还没有出现double fail(一科已经连续fail两次以上),那么学校不会对你有任何行动,下学期一定要争取4门全部Pass来弥补! 同一学期挂科科目挂科大于等于50% 大于等于50%的意思就是如果在一学期中挂了2门以上课程,那一般学校就会采取第一次行动了,会对你发出一封警告信! 学校出勤率低于80% 和挂科无关,但非常重要。如果同学们在一学期中,因各种原因出勤率不满80%的,并且针对这过低的出勤率没有合理的理由,学校也会先对你做出警告需要解释,如果理由没有被学校接受,学校也有资格将你上报移民局,移民局可以会跟据情况取消签证。 努力学习却还是挂科 如果是平时十分努力却还是掌控不了挂科的同学门要及早正视自己的问题,对自己挂科的原因进行总结,可能是由于专业不适合,学习能力不够,学校和你的学习理念存在差异……而这类学生最重要的就是正视自己的情况考虑转学校或者是换专业。 警告信解释 当你不幸收到开除警告信后,书面解释的质量非常重要。 首先,解释列举的原因,一定是不可控的因素,由此导致的学习成绩差;接着表明自己坚信可以完成学业,并列举理由;最后认真的规划应该如何去克服困难,努力提高成绩。 如果以身体健康原因作为理由,必须准备辅助材料,如医生开具的证明等,一同上交。校方受理后会决定十分需要召开听证会,听证会后即会给出解释结果。 转校 这里需要提醒小伙伴们如果被公立大学开除,则无法转到其它公立大学继续学习,只能转到各种私立大学或学院,但可以在收到学校警告信后,马上开始准备转学事宜,在开除程序正式开始之前申请转学。 转学 若未读满6个月的课程就申请转学,首先需要获得想转学学校OFFER,然后向在读学校申请Release letter(放行信),在读学校会根据转学政策和程序审核申请,再决定是否发放Release letter; 如果已经在主课学校就读超过六个月,一般学校都会同意学生的转学申请。 在澳洲挂科除了昂贵的学费外,还有可能会面临强制退学和取消学生签证,并且3年都不得进入澳洲,所以要谨慎对待每次考试,澳洲大学挂科改成绩(Q1252839746)挂科GPA成绩修改,解决被退学开除等问题。
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img-0002-fsl-ptx Added by Robert Schwebel on November 10, 2010 at 6:45pm   i.MX at the Freescale booth
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iWave, a reliable embedded solutions provider has now optimized the booting time of its Windows Embedded Compact 7 (WEC7) BSP for Freescale’s SABRE SDP/B platform. Now the WEC7 OS is booting in a short period of time  ~3 seconds for a small footprint OS image with display and touch drivers support, and boot time of ~8 to ~10 seconds for an OS image with basic drivers and OS components support. Why boot time optimization? WinCE7 is a real time OS which will be used in performance-critical applications such as automotive and healthcare units. In most of the cases, booting time will play important role, e.g. if the device is used in rear-view camera system in automotive field, the user needs the device to start working as soon as the reverse-gear is applied. This requirement needs the device to boot and start the camera application within few seconds. This demands a very short OS boot time. Some of the techniques which can be applied for efficient boot time optimization are discussed in this article. Boot phases in WEC7: Boot-loader (eboot) Copying of OS image from booting device (e.g. Micro-SD) to RAM OAL Layer Driver initializations and file system mounting Guidelines for reducing the boot time in different booting phases of WEC7: Boot-loader (eboot): Remove the code that initializes a hardware which is not required in boot-loader. E.g. If booting device is micro-SD, the initialization of NAND is not necessary. So, this redundant code needs to be removed. The eboot menu in eboot is important for debugging of WEC7 OS. But it is not needed in an end product. So, the delay for this eboot menu can be completely removed to reduce 3 seconds of time. In few platforms such as Freescale’s SABRE platform, a default splash screen is used, which updates continuously. This can be removed, and a static splash screen can be displayed, which can save a few milliseconds of time. Remove unnecessary serial debug prints. Copying of OS image from booting device (e.g. Micro-SD) to RAM: This time increases as the size of WEC7 OS image increases. So, select the OS components carefully and remove redundant components from OS image so that the OS image can be copied to RAM quickly. Also remove unnecessary registry keys, dlls and libraries to reduce the OS size. Optimize binary image builder (.bib) file to reduce the run-time image file. Implement Multi-BinFS OS binaries to reduce the OS copying size. As the functionalities/driver supports goes on increasing, WEC7 image size increases. So, the time required to copy the image increases, and RAM size needed to store the OS image increases. The Binary ROM Image File System (BinFS) can fix the two issues. In a BinFS file system, the WEC7 OS binary is divided into multi-binary Image files, and only the one binary (less than 5MBs) is copied into the RAM by the boot-loader. The components in the other binary files are copied into the RAM only when they are required to run. Links that can be referred to implement multi-BinFS in WinCE:      MSDN documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa516960.aspx; An implementation guide by Freescale: http://cache.freescale.com/files/dsp/doc/app_note/AN4137.pdf You can also include compressing-decompressing mechanisms in boot-loader to achieve even shorter copying time. OAL layer: Remove the code that does unnecessary hardware implementations. Skip the initializations that already done in eboot. Remove any wait/loop/delay if exists. Remove unnecessary serial debug prints. Driver initializations and file system mounting: Analyse and remove all the redundant drivers, check for any loop, wait or delay sequences in driver initialization code. Load any applicable drivers (e.g. USB, sensors) after the OS boot (i.e. after user sees a desktop/application). In WEC7 OS, a driver can be either loaded during booting using device manager/GWES, or can be loaded dynamically whenever necessary. This can be achieved easily by changing the registry key configurations to remove the driver from built-in drivers, a small application to load the driver after OS boot-up, and registry settings to launch this application automatically once the OS is booted. To decide the load order, it is important to check the dependencies of/on a driver. Use appropriate splash screen/progress bar while user waits for OS booting. Remove unnecessary serial debug prints. By effectively following the techniques mentioned, WEC7 based platforms can achieve reduced boot time for quick application access. iWave has optimized the WEC7 booting time on Freescale’s SABRE SDP platform. The booting time is as low as ~3 seconds for a WEC7 OS with standard shell, LCD display, DDraw, I2C and touch driver support, and ~8 to 10 seconds for WEC7 OS with following components: Standard shell Display DDRAW Capacitive touch screen MicroSD USB host – Mass storage and HID Ethernet GPU (OpenVG/GL) Multimedia codecs DirectShow Audio Video Playback Ambient Light Sensor Accelerometer SMP PWM Backlight I2C Debugging using KITL For further information or inquiries please write to mktg@iwavesystems.com or visit www.iwavesystems.com
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iWave now has released the official Yocto BSP for its i.MX6 Qseven modules (iW-RainboW-G15M-Q7) and development kit variants. The release is based on Linux 3.10.17 kernel and supports the following features; i.MX6 ARM Cortex A9 Quad, Dual, Dual Lite & Solo CPU 1GB DDR3 RAM (Quad, Dual, Dual Lite CPU version)/ 512MB DDR3 (Solo CPU version) Freescale PMIC SPI NOR Flash (default boot) eMMC Flash (default OS storage) Data UART uSD slot Standard SD slot USB 2.0 Host USB 2.0 device 10/100/1000 Ethernet PCIex1 Port SATA Port CAN Port LVDS display port (Dual) PWM for backlight HDMI Port with Audio 7”TFT LCD with capacitive touch Hardware Codecs (Encode/Decode) 2D/3D Graphics CMOS CSI camera port MIPI CSI camera port AC97 Audio In/Out Console UART RTC (i.MX6 Internal) I2C Port Sensors Watchdog GPIOs This release supports single BSP, Binary image & MFG tool for all the four i.MX6 CPU version (Quad/Dual/Dual Lite/Solo) based Qseven SOMs. Besides the Linux Yocto BSP support, Android Jelly Bean and Windows Embedded Compact 7 (WEC7) board support packages are also supported for the i.MX6 Qseven modules (Rainbow G15M-Q7) by iWave. More details about the i.MX6 Qseven modules (Rainbow G15M-Q7) hardware & software features can be found in the i.MX6 Qseven SOM product page.
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The board Added by Pierantonio Tabaro on February 3, 2012 at 5:04am   One prototype of our product based on i.MX28
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e-con Systems designed & implemented a reliable Machine to Machine (M2M) solution for mobile phone tower monitoring based on eSOMiMX6, an NXP-Freescale iMX6 SOM. Read further to know the challenges faced and how the team executed the system. M2M Solution for Cellphone Tower Monitoring​ Customer Requirement: System to monitor several parameters such as, temperature, smoke, power source, door open, diesel level etc. in the cell phone tower and remotely monitor them through cloud. The system should monitor and raise alarm when the values exceeded the threshold limit; it should send a text message to the authorities. Challenges: The main challenge in designing the system started with the electrical & electronics and high noise with ESD & EMI signals. It was very important to design the system in such a way that it could interact with the sensors and at the same time, should not be affected by radiated or conducted electromagnetic disturbance. The system cable faced high ESD & EFT injections & the temperature had to be maintained under 25° to power up the system. Approach: e-con Systems designed an architecture based on eSOMiMX6 system on modules that is highly reliable. The system was proposed to extract the information about the tower & communicate the same with cloud. Amazon cloud based web services was used on the cloud side to monitor various parameters & to send the alerts. Base board implemented with eSOMiMX6 interacted with all sensors, collected the information and same would be transmitted via a GPRS unit or Ethernet or wireless unit. Depending on the availability, system selected one path & EMI/EMC/ESD events protected the path of information collection. Power saving modes was designed keeping in mind product power consumption & the total power used when running in diesel generator. The product was tested in-house with simulated tower environment for 2 weeks (24/7) continuously. All issues were identified and addressed. e-con Systems worked with the customers at all levels to get the necessary certification approval. Conclusion: Customer is now successfully selling the robust product in the market. The tower monitoring business is now highly profitable as breakdowns were brought down to nearly zero
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Freescale and Boundary Devices are excited to announce the availability of the i.MX6x Sabre Lite Board, a low-cost development platform featuring the powerful i.MX 6Quad Application Processor.     $299   i.MX6 Development Board Highlights of the platform include: Quad-Core ARM® Cortex A9 processor at 1GHz 1GByte of 64-bit wide DDR3 @ 532MHz Three display ports (RGB, LVDS, and HDMI 1.4a) Two camera ports (1xParallel, 1x MIPI CSI-2) Multi-stream-capable HD video engine delivering H.264 1080p60 decode, 1080p30 encode and 3-D video playback in HD Triple Play Graphics system consisting of a Quad-shader 3D unit capable of 200MT/s, and a separate 2-D and separate OpenVG Vertex acceleration engine for superior 3D, 2D and user interface acceleration Serial ATA 2.5 (SATA) at 3Gbps Dual SD 3.0/SDXC card slots PCIe port (1 lane) Analog (headphone/mic) and Digital (HDMI) audio Compact size (3″x3″) 10/100/Gb IEEE1588 Ethernet 10-pin JTAG interface 3 High speed USB ports (2xHost, 1xOTG) 1xCAN2 port I2C GPIOs     See Compatible Products for: 7″ Display SATA Cable 5MP Camera Android Button Board LVDS Cable for Freescale 10.1″ PCIE DB   LEAD TIME IS CURRENTLY 2-3 WEEKS Cost will be $199 in Production (October 2012)   Click here for more information.  
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Future_Electronics_Panel_Interface_ModuleIMG00641 Added by Iain Galloway (Future) on June 22, 2010 at 11:21am   The Future Electronics Panel Interface Module (PIM) allows rapid integration and evaluation of TTL and LVDS LCD panels with the various i.MX EVKs. Easily customized cables provide the ability to mate with LCDs from multiple manufacturers.  
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iWave Systems Technologies, successfully demonstrated the 7” multi touch capacitive LCD with its latest i.MX6 Qseven development kit. The EDT’s 7” display part ETM070001ADH6 is integrated with the latest revision of iWave i.MX6 Q7 development board which supports the following features. Resolution: 800x480 LCD Type: TFT, Transmissive & Anti-glare Color: 262K Interface Mode: RGB 18-Bit Parallel Backlight : White LED This display is equipped with Focal Tech FT5406 touch solution which is true multi touch capacitive touch controller supports up to 10 points of absolution X and Y coordinates.  In conjunction with a mutual capacitive touch panel, the touch panel supports user-friendly input functions, which can be applied on many portable devices. The panel also allows user to adjust certain parameters to facilitate the use of cover lens (or Protection window) of different material (Glass, PMMA) and with different thickness.   The LCD is interfaced with the i.MX6 processor through LVDS-1 interface for display and I2C interface for touch. The Linux 3.0.35 and Android 4.0.4 BSP support is available for this display with iWave’s i.MX6 development kit. The i.MX6 evaluation board integrated with new capacitive multi-touch display in flexi-glass is available for shipping now. About i.MX6 Qseven Development Board: The Development Platform incorporates Qseven compatible i.MX6x SOM which is based on Freescale's iMX 6 Series 1.2GHz multimedia focused processor and Generic Q7 compatible Evaluation Board. This platform can be used for quick prototyping of any high end applications in verticals like Automotive, Industrial & Medical. Being a nano ITX form factor with 120mmx120mm size, the board is highly packed with all necessary on-board connectors to validate complete iMX6 CPU features. About i.MX6 Qseven System On Module (SOM): iW-RainboW-G15M is Freescale's i.MX6 based Qseven compatible CPU module for faster and multimedia focused applications. The module has on-board expandable 1GB DDR3 RAM, micro SD slot and optional eMMC flash. With the extreme peripheral integration, the module supports industry latest high performance interfaces such as, PCIe Gen2, Gigabit Ethernet, SATA 3.0, HDMI 1.4 and SDXC etc. About iWave Systems: iWave has been an innovator in the development of “Highly integrated, high-performance, low-power and low-cost i.MX6/i.MX50/i.MX53/i.MX51/i.MX27 SOMs”. iWave helps its customers reduce their time-to-market and development effort with its products ranging from System-On-Module to complete systems. The i.MX6 Pico ITX SBC is brought out by iWave in a record time of just 5 weeks. Furthermore, iWave’s i.MX6/i.MX50/i.MX53/i.MX51/i.MX27 SOMs have been engineered to meet the industry demanding requirements like various Embedded Computing Applications in Industrial, Medical & Automotive verticals. iWave provides full product design engineering and manufacturing services around the i.MX SOMs to help customers quickly develop innovative products and solutions. For more details: i.MX6 Q7 Development Kit | iWave Systems email: mktg@iwavesystems.com
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Vacation Pix 006 Added by David Babin on July 16, 2010 at 11:19am  
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DSC_0053 Added by iWavesystems on April 3, 2012 at 8:40am    
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b_A66C1AF58C315B16 Added by Cheng Shi on January 29, 2012 at 12:51am    
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iMX-VCat2011 Added by Iain Galloway (Future) on September 15, 2011 at 12:49pm Future Electronics is pleased to annouce the release of our latest Virtual Catalog featuring i.MX family of parts. This VCat is loaded with embedded videos, selector guides, associated support products and special offers. http://publications.futureelectronics.com/publication/9c27c07d    
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The MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module is designed by MYIR, which is an embedded controller board based on NXP’s i.MX 6UL / 6ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor capable of running at 528MHz. The MYD-Y6ULX development board is built around the MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module, it is a complete evaluation platform for your prototype and reference design. Compared with MYS-6ULX board which is released by MYIR earlier, the MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module is better suited for your next embedded design to accelerate your pace to market and reduce cost. Typical applications are for Industry Control, Communications, HMI, Smart Healthcare, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.              The MYD-Y6ULX development board is delivered with necessary cable accessories including one 12V/2A power adapter, one net cable of 1.5m length, one Micro USB cable, one 4G LTE antenna, one WiFi antenna and one product disk. I noticed that the MYD-6ULX board has one USB based Mini PCI-e interface for 4G module. MYIR has provided 4G antenna but the 4G module is only as an option. Measuring only 37mm by 39mm, the MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module is a highly integrated controller board for the MYD-Y6ULX development board populated on an expansion board which measures 105mm by 140mm and extend a rich set of peripherals through headers and connector like Serial ports, USB, Ethernet, CAN, Micro SD card, WiFi module, LCD, Touch screen, Camera, Audio as well as a Mini PCIe interface for optional USB based 4G LTE module. The function block diagram for the MYD-Y6ULX development board is show as below:    We can see the hardware peripherals and interfaces from the image below: All the on-board components are placed on the top side of the board, we can see only some through-holes on the bottom side of the board. On the MYD-Y6ULX board, there is a 2.4G WiFi module which is based on Broadcom 43362 chipset. The WiFi module is connected to the board through SDIO interface and provides full function of 802.11b/g/n. Its antenna uses the SMA antenna interface reserved on the board. But please note if the MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module is using eMMC and the board will not support WiFi as the eMMC will reuse the same SDIO interface with WiFi module. On the MYD-Y6ULX board, there is a USB based Mini PCIe interface for 4G LTE module. MYIR has provided Linux driver and example for using Quectel EC20 LTE module on the MYD-Y6ULX board. So, if the EC20 4G LTE module can meet your requirement, you can take it as a priority to save development time. Near the Mini PCIe interface, there is a standard SIM card interface.   There is one CSI interface, one expansion header and one Micro SD card interface near the Mini PCIe interface. Though the i.MX 6UL/6ULL processor can support up to 24-bit parallel camera interface, many signals have reused due to rich peripherals on MYD-Y6ULX board, so the CSI interface on MYD-Y6ULX is an 8-bit parallel camera interface. The expansion header can support 12 GPIOs at most to bring out I2C, UART, SPI, etc. There are two USB Host ports, Reset/Power/User buttons and one 3-pin debug header on the MYD-Y6ULX board. The i.MX 6UL/6ULL processor has two USB controllers, both of which can support USB OTG function. One MYIR’s MYD-Y6ULX board, one USB has brought out through Micro USB interface and can support OTG; another USB has extended 4 USB Host through SMSC USB2514BI-AEZ USB Hub chip, of the four USB Host, two are used as USB Host ports, one is used for 4G LTE module and the rest one is not used.   The MYD-Y6ULX base board is designed to be powered by DC 12V through a jack, and the internal power management circuit on-board supplies 5V, ISO 5V, 3.8V, 3.3V, 1.8V, 3V (RTC) voltage for the board. The part TLV62130 DC/DC convertor is selected to use for 12V to 5V and 12V to 3.8V conversions, supporting 3A output currency at the most. The DC/DC convertor can increase the power efficiency and reduce power consumption of the board. The part RT9018 is used as LDO regulator for 5V to 3.3V and 3.3V to 1.8V conversions. The LDO regulator can provide smaller power ripple than the DC/DC convertor. The RTC battery input is an optional input. When the system is powered down, if the RTC does not need to work, it is not require to provide this power rail.  
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img-0005-fsl-ptx Added by Robert Schwebel on November 10, 2010 at 6:46pm i.MX28 on the Freescale booth    
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Added by Manish Shakya on June 24, 2010 at 9:07pm   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=20gx9QlKv_w   Uploaded by manish590 on Jun 4, 2010 No description available. Category: Education License: Standard YouTube License  
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