Porting RT1060_ota_example to RT1064

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Porting RT1060_ota_example to RT1064

1,709 次查看
Contributor I

Hi guys,

     I porting the 1060_ota_example on the RT 1064 EVK,when I send command flash-erase-all,I get the error back,the status return kStatus_InvalidArgument=4,is the memry wrong?

     And even I porting the example,I still don't know how to use the ota,

Use the blhost send command?

Or use  other tools?

    Chapter 5 in the blhost User's Guide has some command,is here?

I just want test that my porting is work,anyone can help?


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1,523 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee



Could you please clarify whether you are referring to the ota_bootloader or the ota_demo_enet example?


Each example of our SDK includes a readme file that explains how the example works and the requirements. Have you checked this file? The readme file is located in the doc folder of each project.


Best regards,


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1,523 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Felipe García,

Can you help me to understand the 1060 ota_bootloader, if I want use this project, did I need use else tools load a .bin file to the PROGRAM_FLASH(1064EVK), and swap it with primary image?


When I porting it on 1064EVK and run it, the swap meta not found.

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1,523 次查看
Contributor I

Thank for reply,

Could you please clarify whether you are referring to the ota_bootloader or the ota_demo_enet example?

 I porting the evkmimxrt1060_ota_bootloader on MIMXRT1064-EVK board.

Each example of our SDK includes a readme file that explains how the example works and the requirements. Have you checked this file? The readme file is located in the doc folder of each project.

I read the read.xt in the project but still don't know how to use.

When I use blhost.exe to send reliable-update this command the mcu can't find the swap meta.

My purpose is let reliable-update working on RT1064.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee



Even though support may be limited as this is not officially supported in the SDK, I suggest you to check the community document below that explains how you can run demos on the i.MXRT1064-EVK with just a few modification to the RT1060 projects.


eIQ on i.MX RT1064 EVK 


To test it you can do same steps as my colleague in this thread. https://community.nxp.com/thread/521567#comment-1309153


Hope it helps!


Best regards,


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1,523 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Felipe,

Will the 1060 ota_bootloader or the ota_demo_enet examples ever be supported on the RT1064 SDK? if so, when do you think the updated SDK will be available to download and test?

I am also having a lot of trouble converting the 1060 ota_bootloader to run on the RT1064, even with the migration guides it does not fully convert. The clock_config files are not similar.



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1,523 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee



Unfortunately, there is no plan at the moment to include this projects in RT1064 SDK. The community document I mentioned in my previous response includes also clock settings needed.


Best regards,


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