We are working on a product using i.MXRT1010.
The QSPI flash we use specifies 120MHz max.
We program using "mcuboot utility", it allows us to select either 100MHz or 133MHz but not 120MHz.
It seems, that although we configure a different speed inside the binary which we flash, the setting of mcuboot utility prevails and the flash keeps operating at 100MHz only.
Which is unfortunately not acceptable for us (it´s not just about the speed but about the spectral emissions of the flash).
Please let us know how we can run the QSPI interface at 120MHz.
thanks a lot and best regards,
SW team found a workaround. So, let me re-phrase:
why is the FlexSPI clock configuration that is generated into board/clock_config.c not applied (even though the BOARD_BootClockRUN() is called at startup), and only the qspiflash_config in xip/evkmimxrt1010_flexspi_nor_config.c is working ?
Hi christophapel,
When you download by default setting in MCUBootUtility, the tool will replace your FDCB by its own FDCB. You can use your own FDCB by select the "keep FDCB" in FlexSPI NOR Device Configuration dialog.