We are switching device packages, from MIMXRT595SFFOC to MIMXRT595SFAWC.
I am wondering if same mem file can be used for both.
Because from what I see, the real effective code (pin_mux.c) are the same, except the comments.For example:
comment: PORT0 PIN0 (coords: J1) is configured as FC0_SCK
IOPCTL_PinMuxSet(IOPCTL, 0U, 0U, port0_pin0_config)
comment: PORT0 PIN0 (coords: F14) is configured as FC0_SCK
IOPCTL_PinMuxSet(IOPCTL, 0U, 0U, port0_pin0_config)
From user perspective, we only need to configure port0_pin0. But how does port0_pin0 relates to the physical pin.