RT1064 second bootloader

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RT1064 second bootloader

1,306 次查看
Contributor V


I download "evkmimxrt1064_mcuboot_opensource" sample project for the second bootloader testing. The project is working fine because I can see the display on hyper-terminal as "Bootloader Version 1.9.0" and ....There is no primary and secondary images found. That is right.

For now, I try to build these images to flash to FlexSPI Flash.

Can anybody tell me how to do it and there is any sample and documents for RT1064?



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1,278 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello, I research more information and unfortunately, the RT1064 has no possibility to boot from external memory.




The information about this subject is not mentioned anywhere but it is implied. The information above means the primary boot is connected to the internal memory and couldn't use that instance with other memories, if you want to use an external memory, I recommend using the RT1060.

Best regards,

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1,273 次查看
Contributor V

Hi Pavel,

The sample project("evkmimxrt1064_mcuboot_opensource") I am using from SDK supports 3 partitions in 4M internal FlexSPI flash. The project is running fine for now.

For me, I want to have the sample application project and related document to tell me how program to primary and secondary partitions. Can you help me to find these?


The following is from readme.txt of project:


The mcuboot_opensource is a second stage bootloader based on MCUBoot project. It is primarily meant to be used together with OTA (over-the-air) update examples
to demonstrate functionality of application self-upgrade.

Flash memory layout
Flash memory is divided into multiple regions to allocate space for bootloader, main application
and application update:

- MCUBoot partition (reserved for bootloader itself, starts at the beginning of the FLASH memory)
- Primary application partition (active application image)
- Secondrary application partition (candidate application - place to download OTA image to be used for update)

The partitioning is defined by definitions in flash_partitioning.h header file.
The MCUBoot partition starts at the very beginning of the FLASH memory and spans up to BOOT_FLASH_ACT_APP.
The primary partition occupies range starting from BOOT_FLASH_ACT_APP up to BOOT_FLASH_CAND_APP.
The secondary partition starts at BOOT_FLASH_CAND_APP and it is automatically assigned the same size as the primary one.
The rest of the memory may be used by the application for arbitrary purposes.

Important notice: should you need to change the partitioning please make sure to update also the header file used by the OTA application!
If the partitioning information used by the bootloader and the application is not in sync, it may lead to malfunction of boot/OTA process or to upredictable behavior.

Flash remapping functionality
The default upgrade mechanism in MCUBoot is SWAP algorithm. There are several NXP processors which support flash remapping functionality what can be used to speed up the OTA update process and prolong the flash memory wear process by just switching the valid images.
The boards with such processors have example projects configured to use this feature. This is achieved by using MCUBoot DIRECT-XIP mechanism and by activating flash remapping when needed.
Both projects (MCUBoot and evaluated OTA example) using the flash remapping funcionality can be also configured to use and evaluate default SWAP mechanism if needed.
For more information see "MCUBoot upgrade mode" in sblconfig.h (MCUBoot project).

Signed application images directly programmed into flash memory by a programmer require additional "--pad --confirm" parameter for imgtool. This parameter adds additional trailer to the signed image and is required by bootloader direct-xip process (see MCUBoot documentation for more information). Signed images used in OTA process do not require "-pad" parameter.

List of boards with projects supporting flash remapping function:

Signing the application image
MCUBoot expects signed application image in specific format to be present in the primary partition.
The very same image format it also used for OTA updates.

A dedicated tool (imgtool) is used to obtain application image in the desired format.
It is implemented as a Python script which can be found in the SDK package in middleware/mcuboot_opensource/scripts folder.

Alternatively the tool can be installed by the Python package manager:
- "pip install imgtool"

Please note that imgtool version installed by the Python package manager is not guaranteed to be compatible with MCUBoot present in you SDK package.

The mcuboot_opensource SDK project comes with its set of private-public keys.
The key pair is stored in the keys subdirectory (e.g. boards/[board]/mcuboot_opensource/keys).
The public key is already pre-configured in the source code of MCUBoot in a form of an array initializer.

To sign an application binary, imgtool must be provided with respective private key and a set of parameters as in the following example:

imgtool sign --key sign-rsa2048-priv.pem
--align 4
--header-size 0x400
--slot-size 0x200000
--max-sectors 800
--version "1.0.0-0"

The parameters used in the example above are tested with out-of-the-box configuration of MCUBoot and OTA examples in the SDK package.
However, some of them may depend on the application or board setup and thus may need to be modified.
See the MCUBoot documentation for the meaning of the parameters and align them with your project setup if necessary.

Toolchain supported
- IAR embedded Workbench 9.32.1
- Keil MDK 5.37
- GCC ARM Embedded 10.3.1
- MCUXpresso 11.7.0

Hardware requirements
- Mini/micro USB cable
- EVK-MIMXRT1064 board
- Personal Computer

Board settings
No special settings are required.

Prepare the Demo
1. Connect a USB cable between the PC host and the OpenSDA(or USB to Serial) USB port on the target board.
2. Open a serial terminal on PC for OpenSDA serial(or USB to Serial) device with these settings:
- 115200 baud rate
- 8 data bits
- No parity
- One stop bit
- No flow control
3. Build project and program it to the target board.
4. Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.

Running the demo
1. When the demo runs successfully, the terminal will display the following:
hello sbl.
Bootloader Version 1.0.0
2. Further messages printed to the terminal depend on the content of the FLASH memory.
In case there was no application programmed so far (i.e. the FLASH was blank), the following would be printed:
Primary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
Secondary image: magic=unset, swap_type=0x1, copy_done=0x3, image_ok=0x3
Boot source: none
Swap type: none
erasing trailer; fa_id=2
Unable to find bootable image
3. At this point the bootloader is in place, resident in the FLASH memory. You may stop debuger, switch to an OTA example and follow the relevant readme.






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1,167 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello, is this what you need? the MCU Bootloader v2.5.0 Reference Manual (nxp.com)

Best regards,

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1,286 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting your case, let me get into your case and when I have more information, I will contact you.

Best regards,

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