Hello dear all,
Before I sit down and write my own driver for the widely used GT911 Touch Driver, I was wondering if somebody doesn't have one and is willing to share it? I need basic functionality to destinguish between kTouch_Down, = 0, /*!< The state changed to touched. */, kTouch_Up = 1, /*!< The state changed to not touched. */, kTouch_Contact /*!< There is a continuous touch being detected. */ and getting the coordinates of the touch event.
Best Regards.
Hi @ap213 ,
We don't have the directly GT911 driver, but you can find the GT911 driver, and modify it to match the RT1052, as you know, our SDK already provide the I2C driver.
I search the community, and find some post may useful to you:
You just need to find the GT911 driver, to the I2C, you can refer to the RT1052 SDK I2C code.
Wish it helps you!
Best Regards,