Hello, official website staff, I found a problem in imxrt1170 platform, in board_usb_device.c, line 350, function
usb_DeviceCdcAcmRecv(handle, USB_CDC__VCOM_BULK_OUT_ENDPOINT, s_currRecvBuf, g_UsbDeviceCdcVcomDicEndpoint[1].maxPackrtSize), the last one in maxpacketsize parameter, I seem to be able to modify its size, I will modify it to 2048, the usb can still be normal, but once I modify it to 10000, it seems to communicate abnormal, please ask This is why? Thanks!
Hi @eao ,
USB FS bulk transfer maximum size is 64. USB HS bulk transfer maximum size is 512.
Hi @eao ,
Sorry I don't understand what you mean. CDC example use 2 endpoint, one bulk in and one bulk out. There isn't examples use only one interrupt to send all data.