I have an imx6q custom board with two DDR3 chips,size of each DDR3 is 2Gb(32 bit data bus).
I am loading u-boot in serial downloader mode. U-boot is loaded using imx usb loader.It is not giving any error.
After loading u-boot, no messages are printing on tty console(minicom).
Uart1 is used and it is working fine.
I have set new calibration values in cfg file(800mhz_2x128mx16.cfg),those values are
0x021B080C = 0x000F001F
0x021B0810 = 0x0029001C
0x021B083C = 0x0330033C
0x021B0840 = 0x0330032C
0x021B0848 = 0x3E323238
0x021B0850 = 0x383A403E
I have attached cfg file and c file. Anything to be changed in these files for booting of u-boot?
What can be done for booting u-boot?
Thank you
Hi m20
one can try with nxp uboot
for porting uboot use Porting Guide included in
Linux L4.14.98_2.0.0 Documentation
usb loader is not supported by nxp, one can try steps described in linux
documentation for sd/emmc or nfs boot.
Best regards
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