I am trying to interface a 7" tft display with the imx6q sabrelite board. have configured the yocto for the gui.Can anybody suggest or provide some sample progams about how to configure when we touch a particular point in the display? The interface is I2C
Please provide the following information:
the display is from edt technologies : E T M 0 7 0 0 H 3 D H 6
800*480 resolution
18 bit rgb interface
Touch screen controller : Processor TMPA900CMXBG, 200 MHz
Linux version : ubuntu 14.04
The ETM0700H3DH6 does not seem supported by the kernel by default. Therefore you will have to add the timings to the lcdif_modedb array:
linux-imx6/mxc_lcdif.c at boundary-imx_3.14.28_1.0.0_ga · boundarydevices/linux-imx6 · GitHub
Then you will need to modify the device tree accordingly:
I assumed your kernel version was 3.14.28, Ubuntu 14.04 being the OS version which can run on any kernel version.
Finally for the touch screen controller, since this is a regular mcu, it all depends on the firmware flashed to it, you'll most likely have to create a custom driver for it.