when I input:
make CROSS_COMPILE=/forlinx/imx6/fsl-linaro-toolchain/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
error message showed at the end:
ERROR: "csi_enable_mclk" [drivers/media/video/mxc/capture/ov5640_camera.ko] undefined!
why? and how to resolve it?
Hi Longwei,
It seems that issue happened when you did patch, csi_enable_mclk should be variable of ov5640 driver. you can open ov5640.c file and check it.
In addition, you can put ARCH & CROSS_COMPILE into the bash.rc file in your user directroy.For example:
then you don't need to add them for compiling every time.
Dear Weidong,
Thanks very much. Yes, I resolved this problem by adding the environment.
As the csi_enable_mclk I deselected the related camera before compiling.
Thanks again.
发件人: bounces+210748-53ac-lailongwei1985=163.com@jiveon.jivesoftware.com 代表 weidong.sun
发送时间: 2015年9月7日 11:37
收件人: 龙伟 赖
主题: Re: - make CROSS_COMPILE... error!!!
make CROSS_COMPILE... error!!!
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