libbluetooth(Bluez 2.25) Crash with sdp_record_register

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libbluetooth(Bluez 2.25) Crash with sdp_record_register

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Contributor I

Hi guys

I'm trying to register a service on my bluetooth device, the code I have tested it on Ubuntu and it works perfectly, but when trying to run the same code compiled for Tarjet (iMx53) ..... get the following error "segmentation fault" ...!

when the library try to register a service ...the library crash in this line...

    err = sdp_record_register(session, record, 0);    ///  Segmentation Fault  !!!

Since I was reviewing and trying debuguear my library (bluez_lib 2.25) but when you try to register the library service to the SDP server, sends the error, and I've tried other codes. And it works ..


My api Versions.


imx53(Segmentation Fault)version 2.25version 2.25
Linux Ubuntu 10.04(Works Fine)version 4.60version 4.60

Thanks Guys.

i need your help  :smileygrin:

// Build

arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -O0 -g3   mycode.c  -o test  -lbluetooth

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MY CODE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#include "btinclude.h"

uint8_t channel = 3;

int main()


    const char *service_name = "HSP service";

    const char *service_dsc = "HSP";

    const char *service_prov = "nebland software, LLC";

    uuid_t hs_uuid, ga_uuid;

    sdp_profile_desc_t desc;

    uuid_t root_uuid, l2cap_uuid, rfcomm_uuid;

    sdp_list_t *l2cap_list = 0,

               *rfcomm_list = 0,

               *root_list = 0,

               *proto_list = 0,

               *access_proto_list = 0;

    sdp_data_t *channel_d = 0;

    int err = 0;

    sdp_session_t *session = 0;

    sdp_record_t *record = sdp_record_alloc();

    // set the name, provider, and description

    sdp_set_info_attr(record, service_name, service_prov, service_dsc);

    // service class ID (HEADSET)

    sdp_uuid16_create(&hs_uuid, HEADSET_SVCLASS_ID);

    if (!(root_list = sdp_list_append(0, &hs_uuid)))

        return -1;

    sdp_uuid16_create(&ga_uuid, GENERIC_AUDIO_SVCLASS_ID);

    if (!(root_list = sdp_list_append(root_list, &ga_uuid)))

        return -1;

    if (sdp_set_service_classes(record, root_list) < 0)

        return -1;

    sdp_list_free(root_list, 0);

    root_list = 0;

    // make the service record publicly browsable

    sdp_uuid16_create(&root_uuid, PUBLIC_BROWSE_GROUP);

    root_list = sdp_list_append(0, &root_uuid);

    sdp_set_browse_groups( record, root_list );

    // set l2cap information

    sdp_uuid16_create(&l2cap_uuid, L2CAP_UUID);

    l2cap_list = sdp_list_append( 0, &l2cap_uuid );

    proto_list = sdp_list_append( 0, l2cap_list );

    // set rfcomm information

    sdp_uuid16_create(&rfcomm_uuid, RFCOMM_UUID);

    channel_d = sdp_data_alloc(SDP_UINT8, &channel);

    rfcomm_list = sdp_list_append( 0, &rfcomm_uuid );

    sdp_list_append( rfcomm_list, channel_d );

    sdp_list_append( proto_list, rfcomm_list );

    // attach protocol information to service record

    access_proto_list = sdp_list_append( 0, proto_list );

    sdp_set_access_protos( record, access_proto_list );

    sdp_uuid16_create(&desc.uuid, HEADSET_PROFILE_ID);

    // set the version to 1.0

    desc.version = 0x0100;

    if (!(root_list = sdp_list_append(NULL, &desc)))

        return -1;

    if (sdp_set_profile_descs(record, root_list) < 0)

        return -1;

    // connect to the local SDP server and register the service record

    session = sdp_connect( BDADDR_ANY, BDADDR_LOCAL, SDP_RETRY_IF_BUSY );

    err = sdp_record_register(session, record, 0);    ///  Segmentation Fault  !!!

    // cleanup

    sdp_data_free( channel_d );

    sdp_list_free( l2cap_list, 0 );

    sdp_list_free( rfcomm_list, 0 );

    sdp_list_free( root_list, 0 );

    sdp_list_free( access_proto_list, 0 );

    while (1)


    return err;


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908 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Please tell me the following questions,

1. Is Linux Ubuntu 10.04(Works Fine) for x86 host?

2. Is Ubuntu 10.04 running on i.MX53?

3. Which version of compiler are you using? (GCC-4.4.4 compiler for ARM is recommended, please try it)

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