i.MX8M USB3.0 compliance mode

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i.MX8M USB3.0 compliance mode

1,474 次查看
Contributor III


how to put USB3.0 interface in compliance mode?

We follow i.MX8M Reference Manual Rev2 instructions as described at pag  3001:

Register c704h bit 8-5
 ULSTCHNGREQ Software writes this field to issue a USB/Link state change request. A change in this
field indicates a new request to the core. If software wants to issue the same request back-to-back, it
must write a 0 to this field between the two requests. The result of the state change request is reflected in
the USB/Link State in DSTS. These bits are self-cleared on the MAC Layer exiting suspended state. If
software is updating other fields of the DCTL register and not intending to force any link state change,
then it must write a 0 to this field. SS Compliance mode is normally entered and controlled by the remote
link partner. Refer to the USB 3.0 specification. Alternatively, you can force the local link directly into
compliance mode, by resetting the SS link with the RUN/STOP bit set to zero. If you then write '10' to the
USB/Link State Change field and '1' to RUN/STOP, the link goes to compliance mode. Once you are in
compliance, you may alternately write zero and '10' to this field to advance the compliance pattern. In SS
mode: - Value Requested Link State Transition/Action - 0 No Action - 4 SS.Disabled - 5 Rx.Detect - 6
SS.Inactive - 8 Recovery - 10 Compliance - Others: Reserved In HS/FS/LS mode: - ValueRequested
USB state transition - 8 Remote wakeup request - Others: Reserved The Remote wakeup request must
be issued 2us after the device goes into suspend state (DSTS[21:18] is 3 - refer to Table "Fields for
Register: DSTS" in the Databook). Note: After coming out of hibernation, software must write 8
(Recovery) into this field to confirm exit from the suspended state.

We try without success these steps:

1. ./memtool -32 3810c704=0x40000000

2. ./memtool -32 3810c704=0x80000140

But compliant doesn't start.

Can you share an app note or some advices for activating the compliance?

Thank you

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3 回复数

1,270 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


  I've sent You some comments directly.



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496 次查看
Contributor I


Can you help share the commands here which will be helpful.. I am trying to get into 3.0 compliance mode with the imx8mp but no luck.. 



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1,258 次查看
Contributor III

We also neet to enable usb3.0 cmpliance mode on i.mx8mq, can you please share some tools and guidance?


Thank you.

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