The i.MX53 Quick Start board is a 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 embedded computer in a three-inch by three-inch board. Offered for $149.00, this development board offers 1GB of RAM, Freescale MC34708 PMIC, and ships with Linux Ubuntu out of the box!
Hi Vince,
I work for Adeneo Embedded so I can give you additional information about this release.
The list of features supported by the i.MX53 QSB BSP is available on our website ( -> features) but is being updated to match the features that are currently supported. Stay tuned!
Can I take one of the BSP source files that already exist in the download from Freescale (i.g. There are several platform models included for other development boards. The iMX53_ARD_Mobility, ARD_SmallFootprint, iMX53_EVK_Mobility, iMX53_SMD_xxx. I would like to know which one gets me the closest to the QSB, so I could start from there.
By the way, I have no issue with the $500 if I could get a clear understanding of which category items are installed. Eventually we are going to go to production and I would like to be cost effective from a license standpoint.
I have attended some training classes with Joe Broxton (Adeneo) and he is awesome, so I have no doubt on what he and Adeneo can do! Part of this is just me wanting to learn a little bit about the whole BSP process.
Has anyone attempted to run WEC7 on this thing yet? I really don't want to spend the $500 dollars for the source from Adeneo (great group there, hope they take no offense!). I was hoping someone can walk me through cloning one of the BSP that you can download from freescale.
Could anybody help me solve the following issue?
The Android kernel successfully started running, but some initialization error appeared...... :(
Marsha or whomever -
Where can I get schematics for the MCIMX53HDMICARD adapter?
Hi Jim,
Unfortunately, the web system only allows the tie in to one product page. Its already on the i.MX28 page. If you go to, there is a link on the top right pointing to the i.MX28 LCD
Could you get FSL to put a link to the LCD that goes with the QSB on the buy page for QSB?
@ X Xiao
The available production boards for the i.MX53 are the i.MX53 Quick Start board (MCIMX53-START) and the i.MX53 SABRE for Tablets (MCIMX53SMD) located on the following pages: and
The other boards are not available.
If you run VMware on a 64 bit os, then it can run a 64 bit guest. It is not an emulator, the guest runs on the host machine's hardware, so you need to have the 64 bit hardware and a 64 bit os so VM ware can "see" the 64 bit hardware.
But this one is x86. Don't know if it is available for download.
Some VM hints:
Up the memory in the VM to 1-1.5G. Uncheck connect at power on for floppy, CD and any other device you don't need.
I prefer Bridged network over NAT.
If you have a multi-core box, give it 2 cores.