[i.MX28 EVK] Can't ping to local network

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[i.MX28 EVK] Can't ping to local network

Contributor I

Hi All,  I have a i.MX28 EVK Rev. D board.

I met a network problem.

I started Linux in the SD Card provided by freescale, although failed in starting graphics. Then set the ipaddress( But I failed in ping to another local machine.

I raised a service request to freescale. They said that there was problem with ethernet in [ EVK Rev. D].

So I tried ②

②I rebuilt LTIB, set the ipaddress and burned the image to a new SD card. Then I tried it on the board. Start was OK, but PHY attachment failed. 


freescale login: PHY: 0:00 - Link is Up - 100/Full
PHY: 0:00 - Link is Down
FEC: MDIO read timeout
FEC: MDIO read timeout


root@freescale ~$ ifconfig -a

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:04:9F:01:D3:98
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
Base address:0x8000


Then i tried the follow 


root@freescale ~$ ifconfig eth0 down
root@freescale ~$ FEC: MDIO read timeout

root@freescale ~$ ifconfig eth0 up
FEC: MDIO read timeout
eth0: Could not attach to PHY
ifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Connection timed out
root@freescale ~$


Is this has something to do with ethernet driver?

Should I modify fec.c and rebuilt the Linux?

Help me.


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5 Replies

Contributor I

Hi, Jay

eth1 works.

You helped me a lot.

I cant't thank you any more.

Jay William Stubblefield said:

As I recall, I had to configure eth1 by executing "./ltib -c" where you have installed LTIB and selecting "Target System Configuration->Options". Now scroll down to "start networking" and enable tis. Now select "start networking->Network setup".

Scroll down to "Enable interface 1" and enable it ( you may want to "get network parameters using dhcp" or change the IP address - I just used the default IP Addresses. Now exit out of all the menu stuff and save the new configuration and  the kernel will rebuild. Now use "./ltib -p boot_stream.spec -f" to create a new boot stream. Eth1 should come up when you boot this load. I don't think I did anything else.


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Contributor II

As I recall, I had to configure eth1 by executing "./ltib -c" where you have installed LTIB and selecting "Target System Configuration->Options". Now scroll down to "start networking" and enable tis. Now select "start networking->Network setup".

Scroll down to "Enable interface 1" and enable it ( you may want to "get network parameters using dhcp" or change the IP address - I just used the default IP Addresses. Now exit out of all the menu stuff and save the new configuration and  the kernel will rebuild. Now use "./ltib -p boot_stream.spec -f" to create a new boot stream. Eth1 should come up when you boot this load. I don't think I did anything else.

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Contributor I

Thanks Jay

It seems that this method will work.

But, how to make eth1 work? Which file should I modify? Would you please upload the file you modified?

--Great thanks.

Happy weekend.

Jay William Stubblefield said:


  I have the same board. I couldn't ever get eth0 to work on that board. What I did was configure eth1 to work via ltib and rebuilt the kernel. I also enabled GDB and GDBServer. I was able to get the Eternet up and running this way. If you do this, you will see the LEDs on the top connector start to blink once the kernel comes up. The top Ethernet connector has to be connected to the network. If you want to connect directly to your PC, you need an Ethernet cross connect cable. I was able to ping this port, and ping my PC from the console connected to the board. I then was able to TFTP from the PC, and finally, able to bring up GDBServer and connect Eclipse via GDBServer to the board and debug my "Hello World" app.

Hope this helps.

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Contributor II


  I have the same board. I couldn't ever get eth0 to work on that board. What I did was configure eth1 to work via ltib and rebuilt the kernel. I also enabled GDB and GDBServer. I was able to get the Eternet up and running this way. If you do this, you will see the LEDs on the top connector start to blink once the kernel comes up. The top Ethernet connector has to be connected to the network. If you want to connect directly to your PC, you need an Ethernet cross connect cable. I was able to ping this port, and ping my PC from the console connected to the board. I then was able to TFTP from the PC, and finally, able to bring up GDBServer and connect Eclipse via GDBServer to the board and debug my "Hello World" app.

Hope this helps.

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Contributor I

I am no pro, but I think the provided patch in


should solve your problem...

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