bt audio error

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bt audio error

Contributor II


     we use BT headset,while listening music,sometimes it would report below error :

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

D/LOGGER  ( 2452): gethostbyname( start

D/LOGGER  ( 2452): gethostbyname( ret=0, errno=0, h_errno=166

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964)rfkill: BT RF going to : off

: start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): out_set_parameters: state 3

W/AudioTrack( 2452): dead IAudioTrack, PCM, creating a new one from obtainBuffer()

D/A2dpStateMachine( 2480): Connection state 00:02:5B:27:BC:A6: 2->0

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

D/CachedBluetoothDevice( 2601): onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP newProfileState 0

D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 2480): CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: 00:02:5B:27:BC:A6: 2 -> 0

D/PhoneStatusBarPolicy( 2348): shy SYstemUI PhoneStatusBarPolicy action=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED

D/CachedBluetoothDevice( 2601):  BT Turninig Off...Profile conn state change ignored...

D/bt_hci_bdroid( 2480): cleanup

W/bt-btif ( 2480): ag scb idx 1 not allocated

E/bt-btif ( 2480): BTA AG is already disabled, ignoring ...

W/bt-l2cap( 2480): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration

W/bt-l2cap( 2480): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration

W/bt-l2cap( 2480): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration

W/bt-l2cap( 2480): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration

W/bt-l2cap( 2480): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0019 not found for deregistration

W/bt-l2cap( 2480): L2CAP - PSM: 0x0017 not found for deregistration

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

I/bt_hci_bdroid( 2480): bt_hc_worker_thread exiting

W/bt_userial( 2480): select_read return size <=0:-1, exiting userial_read_thread

I/bt_userial_vendor( 2480): device fd = 69 close

D/BTSNOOP-DISP( 2480): btsnoop_close

D/bt_hci_bdroid( 2480): wen  set_power 0

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): gki_task_entry: gki_task task_id=0 [BTU] terminating

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): GKI_exit_task: GKI_exit_task 0 done

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): GKI_destroy_task: GKI_shutdown(): task [BTU] terminated

D/BluetoothAdapterState( 2480): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = DISABLED, isTurningOn=false, isTurningOff=true

D/HeadsetService( 2480): Received stop request...Stopping profile...

D/BluetoothHeadset( 2297): Proxy object disconnected

D/A2dpService( 2480): Received stop request...Stopping profile...

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

D/A2dpStateMachine( 2480): Exit Disconnected: -1

D/BluetoothA2dp( 2297): Proxy object disconnected

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Profile still running:

W/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni( 2480): Cleaning up Bluetooth Handsfree Interface...

W/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni( 2480): Cleaning up Bluetooth Handsfree callback object

D/BluetoothAdapterState( 2480): Stopping profile services that were post enabled

D/HidService( 2480): Received stop request...Stopping profile...

D/HealthService( 2480): Received stop request...Stopping profile...

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Profile still running:

E/bt-btif ( 2480): warning : no command pending, ignore ack

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): gki_task_entry: gki_task task_id=2 [A2DP-MEDIA] terminating

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): GKI_exit_task: GKI_exit_task 2 done

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): GKI_destroy_task: GKI_shutdown(): task [A2DP-MEDIA] terminated

D/BluetoothHeadset( 2601): Proxy object disconnected

D/PanService( 2480): Received stop request...Stopping profile...

D/BluetoothTethering( 2297): got CMD_CHANNEL_DISCONNECTED

E/BluetoothTethering( 2297): attempted to stop reverse tether with nothing tethered

D/BtGatt.DebugUtils( 2480): handleDebugAction() action=null

D/BtGatt.GattService( 2480): Received stop request...Stopping profile...

D/BtGatt.GattService( 2480): stop()

D/HeadsetProfile( 2601): Bluetooth service disconnected

D/BluetoothMapService( 2480): Received stop request...Stopping profile...

D/BluetoothMapService( 2480): stop()

D/BluetoothMapService( 2480): MAP Service closeService in

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Profile still running:

W/BluetoothHidServiceJni( 2480): Cleaning up Bluetooth HID Interface...

W/bt-btif ( 2480): cleanup: HH disabling or disabled already, status = 0

W/BluetoothHidServiceJni( 2480): Cleaning up Bluetooth GID callback object

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Profile still running:

W/BluetoothHealthServiceJni( 2480): Cleaning up Bluetooth Health Interface...

W/BluetoothHealthServiceJni( 2480): Cleaning up Bluetooth Health object

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Profile still running:

W/BluetoothPanServiceJni( 2480): Cleaning up Bluetooth PAN Interface...

W/BluetoothPanServiceJni( 2480): Cleaning up Bluetooth PAN callback object

D/BluetoothA2dp( 2601): Proxy object disconnected

D/A2dpProfile( 2601): Bluetooth service disconnected

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Profile still running:

D/BluetoothAdapterState( 2480): CURRENT_STATE=PENDING, MESSAGE = STOPPED, isTurningOn=false, isTurningOff=true

D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 2480): Setting state to 10

I/BluetoothAdapterState( 2480): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 13-> 10

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Broadcasting updateAdapterState() to 1 receivers.

D/BluetoothManagerService( 2297): Message: 60

D/BluetoothManagerService( 2297): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 13, newState=10

D/BluetoothManagerService( 2297): Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(false) to 9 receivers.

D/BluetoothPbap( 2601): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false

I/BluetoothAdapterState( 2480): Entering OffState

D/BluetoothHeadset( 2601): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false

D/BluetoothMapService( 2480): cleanup()

D/BluetoothMapService( 2480): MAP Service closeService in

D/BluetoothA2dp( 2601): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false

D/BluetoothInputDevice( 2601): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false

D/BluetoothInputDevice( 2601): Proxy object disconnected

D/HidProfile( 2601): Bluetooth service disconnected

D/BluetoothPan( 2601): BluetoothPAN Proxy object disconnected

D/PanProfile( 2601): Bluetooth service disconnected

D/BluetoothMap( 2601): Proxy object disconnected

D/MapProfile( 2601): Bluetooth service disconnected

D/BluetoothA2dp( 2297): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false

D/BluetoothHeadset( 2297): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false

D/BluetoothMap( 2601): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false

D/BluetoothManagerService( 2297): Calling onBluetoothServiceDown callbacks

D/BluetoothManagerService( 2297): Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 5 receivers.

D/BluetoothManagerService( 2297): unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@415acec0 mBinding = false

D/BluetoothManagerService( 2297): Sending unbind request.

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Cleaning up adapter native....

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): gki_task_entry: gki_task task_id=1 [BTIF] terminating

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): GKI_exit_task: GKI_exit_task 1 done

I/GKI_LINUX( 2480): GKI_destroy_task: GKI_shutdown(): task [BTIF] terminated

I/BluetoothServiceJni( 2480): cleanupNative: return from cleanup

D/BluetoothAdapterService( 2480): Done cleaning up adapter native....

D/BluetoothAdapterService(1094876728)( 2480): ****onDestroy()********

D/BluetoothManagerService( 2297): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 13 -> 10

D/BluetoothAdapter( 2348): 1094472592: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): a2dp_command: cmd failed (Broken pipe)

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): skt_disconnect: fd 15

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: audiopath start failed

D/PhoneStatusBarPolicy( 2348): shy SYstemUI PhoneStatusBarPolicy action=android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED

D/BtGatt.GattService( 2480): cleanup()

W/bt-btif ( 2480): GATTC Module not enabled/already disabled

W/bt-btif ( 2480): GATTS Module not enabled/already disabled

W/ContextImpl( 2601): Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:

android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:494

D/DockEventReceiver( 2601): finishStartingService: stopping service

D/BluetoothAdapter( 2601): 1094485432: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): start_audio_datapath: state 3

I/str_params( 1964): key: 'exiting' value: '1'

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): out_set_parameters: state 3

I/str_params( 1964): key: 'closing' value: 'true'

E/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): out_write: stream not in stopped or standby

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): out_set_parameters: state 2

I/str_params( 1964): key: 'exiting' value: '1'

W/AudioSystem( 2452): ioConfigChanged() closing unknown output! 133

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): adev_close_output_stream: closing output (state 2)

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): stop_audio_datapath: state 2

I/audio_a2dp_hw( 1964): skt_disconnect: fd -1

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): play stoped

D/PcmPlayer( 2452): play mPlaytate= 0,mAudioFocus= true

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): tts start:1464676596985

D/PcmPlayer( 2452): start player

D/PcmPlayer( 2452): mAudioFocus= true

D/PcmPlayer( 2452): prepAudioPlayer || audiotrack stream type is change.

D/PcmPlayer( 2452): createAudio start

D/PcmPlayer( 2452): createAudio || mStreamType = 3

D/PcmPlayer( 2452): createAudio end

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): minPlaySec:0

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): curStatus=init,setStatus=start

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): setStatus success=start

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): startSpeaking NextSession pause

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): tts msg start:1464676596992

D/MSC_LOG ( 2452): QTTSSessionBegin Begin

D/LOGGER  ( 2452): luacFramework_GetEnv() [in]

D/LOGGER  ( 2452): luacFramework_SetEnv() [out]

D/MSC_LOG ( 2452): QTTSSessionBegin End

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): QTTSSessionBegin leave:25 ErrorCode:0

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): QTTSTextPut enter

D/MSC_LOG ( 2452): QTTSTextPut Begin

D/MSC_LOG ( 2452): QTTSTextPut End

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): QTTSTextPut leavel:0

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): curStatus=start,setStatus=waitresult

D/MscSpeechLog( 2452): setStatus success=waitsresult

How to solve this problem?

BTW: BSP version is: PATCH(imx_3.0.35_kk4.4.2_ga.tgz)+KK4.4.2_1.0.0_Regal.tar.gz

4 返答(返信)

Contributor III

Hi all,

I am getting same error, While getting this log audio break observed in Bluetooth Speaker/Headset. Please suggest how to resolve this bluetooth error

BSP: android-5.0.2_r1 with freescale patches

Thanks & Regards,


0 件の賞賛

Contributor II


    Does anyone knew how to solve this problem? it is very urgent.

Thanks very much for support!

0 件の賞賛

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi wen

it may be suggested to apply to vendor of BT chipset for

help and probably updated firmware.

Best regards



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0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

Hi igor:

      you think it need upgrade the new firmware?

isnot BT application wrong?
