adding new ioctl API to v4l2 kernel library

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adding new ioctl API to v4l2 kernel library

Contributor IV

Hello Experts,

                        Well today i planned to add some additional features to my HDR camera source, such as passing runtime commands HDR to Non HDR while streaming from application. while checking at header files i found their is no inbuilt api for this. so i thought of creating my own ioctl api to do this job. but after looking at header files i'm confused alot. how to proceed where to add new ioctl api. what are the thing i have consider while doing this.

i have two create two ioctl api - one for HDR and one for NON-HDR. like on/off.

please this kind a new for me if anyone can help i will be happy.



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6 返答(返信)

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

  I do not think that it is good idea to add API functionality, since
there is standard V4L2 Linux API specification, which is available at 

I expect, that it is needed to (re-)design V4L2 driver.

  Also, please take a look at the following :

“getting frame data from /dev/video1 for processing and displaying, Linux on iMX6Q”

Have a great day,

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Contributor IV

I have already check v4l2 website as well as download userspace for API list. I know all the available API, but some camera sensor has additional features for those their is no API available. i'm implementing every feature of a camera sensor(available with me). if you can help on this it will be helpful. also one more help

I'm working on ov1063x camera, i have check the source code it is of no use as well as datasheet i need help on this

1. Where to get full information on registers.(Datasheet doesn't carry any information on register in description)

2. How to find fps rate? i have seen the formula based on register of PLL but it is giving wrong output.

Waiting for your reply.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

  If You mean camera datasheet and its register description, please

apply to manufacturer.



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Contributor IV

Hi Yuri,

The ov1063x module driver source code is written by freescale semiconductor. if you guys carry any explaination regarding datasheet. i have datasheet but many register information is not sufficient. Right now i'm trying to change fps of camera. i have followed this formula but i'm getting wrong fps by default i should get 30 fps. can u tell me were i'm wrong. is it correct formula

one more thing it is using system clock(0x3024[0]).

  * FPS is computed as:

  * XVCLK    = 24MHz//0x6706[3:0]=0x08;

  * preDivide   = {/1,/1.5,/2,/3,/4,/5,/6,/7} = 1.5

  * decided based on (0x3004[6:4] = 0x11;

  * numerator   = (0x3003[5:0] * XVCLK)/preDivide) =  (20 * 24)/1.5 = 320MHz

  * denominator = (2 * (1+0x3004[2:0])) = 2*(1+1)=4;

  * FPS = numerator/denominator = 320/4 = 80fps*/

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Contributor IV

Hi Ganesh,

How is going with your OV1063x device driver?

I'm currently also working on OV10633 support under Linux.

But I failed to get correct image,

that is, I can get some kind of image from CSI port,

but there is something wrong with the H/V synchronization.

What do you mean by saying "The ov1063x module driver source code is written by freescale semiconductor."?

Does Freesale provide driver source code for ov1063x?

Where can I find the source code?



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Contributor IV

Sorry for late reply. we are using freescale LTIB. i have already completed my work. if you need any help with respect to ov1063x better you contact omnivision for support.

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