i have problem when i using freescale products, i use the test program MXC_VPU_TEST. And i want to decode a video the format is mjpg. the command in input is "./mxc_vpu_test -D "-i mark.mjpg -f 7 -o mark.yuv" ". but the output file mark.yuv sames like not correct, it looks like color cast , black and white picture. hope some people help me thanks very much.
what board and bsp version do you use? could you share the log file here?
I.MX6 dl, L3.0.35_4.1.0
I'm not sure the log file is you wanted.
[INFO] Product Info: i.MX6Q/D/S
[INFO] Format: STD_MJPG,Port is 5555,1
[INFO] Input file "/mark/mark.mjpg" opened.
[INFO] Output file "/mark/save-image/v4l2.yuv" opened.
[INFO] bitstreamMode 1, chromaInterleave 1, mapType 0, tiled2LinearEnable 0
****-----------------First step decode open--------------****
this is the dec fill bsbuffer come in, sapce is 2097151.
size is 33775.
bs pa startaddr is 419430400,419430400.
target addr+size is 748450799, default size is 33775,bs va endaddr is 748450799.
transcode is 33775,n is 33775
nread is 33775, size is 33775, target addr 748417024, length is 33775
vpu_DecUpdateBitstreamBuffer nread is 33775.
****-----------------Secend step decode parse--------------****
[INFO] MJPG SourceFormat: 1
[INFO] Decoder: width = 640, height = 480, frameRateRes = 0, frameRateDiv = 0, count = 1
[INFO] CROP left/top/right/bottom 0 0 0 0
[INFO] Display fps will be 15
****-----------------Third step decode allocate framebuffer--------------****
****-----------------Fourth step decoder start--------------****
dec->cmdl->dst_scheme is 1,7
Delete 0001
probe 00, number count is 28.
probe 01, fill end bs 0.
this is the dec fill bsbuffer come in, sapce is 2063376.
size is 33775.
bs pa startaddr is 419430400,419464175.
target addr+size is 748484574, default size is 33775,bs va endaddr is 748450799.
room is 0.
transcode is 33775,n is 0
nread is 0
If the value of fill end bs is 0
probe 02, fill end bs 1.
vpu is busy
probe is 03, ret is 0
probe is 03.1
[INFO] JPEG bitstream is end
[INFO] 1 frames took 12236 microseconds
[INFO] dec fps = 581.06
[INFO] total fps= 81.73
****-----------------Fifth step decoder close--------------****
Saved raw frame to SecendsFrame029.raw (33775 bytes)
paths = /mark/save-image/p1-14.jpg
the program is finished.
4.1.0 is very old version, if you don't use yocto, pls try to update to 4.1.1 version, then test