I am using the mainline linux kernel-3.4.50 built with mxs_defconfig. Based on the sysfs I am trying to init and use a GPIO as interrupt. Unfortunately the complete systems hangs when the interrupt is triggered.
For test I have connected PIO 6 and PIO 27 in hardware. PIO 27 should be act as output to trigger PIO 6 that is configured as interrupt input. On the shell I am using the commands below:
# cd /sys/class/gpio
# echo 6 >export
# echo 27 >export
# echo out >gpio27/direction
# echo in >gpio6/direction
# echo rising >gpio6/edge
# echo 1 >gpio27/value
------- from here there is no return. It seems as the complete system hangs, since it is not reachable anymore over TCP/IP (ping).
Does anyone has an idea what is going wrong here?
Can you try it on 3.10?
Hi Fabio,
there are some patches for kernel 3.5 within the newest BSP package from the company TQ for their i.MX28 based TQMa28. It seems as there is something wrong for the interrupt handling on GPIO port 0 (GPIO0..32) in mainline kernel. The patches are solving the problem.
For now this is enough for me. Thank you for your response.