I am working on the IMX8MP platform and I am using the core M7 to copy data using the SPI from a FPGA. I also want to use DMA for the data transfer. After configuring my code the code did not work as I could not observe anything on my oscilloscope.
The cortex M7 is the master and the SPI is working already.
I would like to ask if there is an example for this or if you can give me some tips for this. I have single stepped through the code and I seems that all the DMA function calls were correctly called and the configurations were also correct. However, I do not get any response from the code.
What can be the problem? The main function calls are below: -
ECSPI_MasterInit(ECSPI_MASTER_BASEADDR, &hw_src_espi::masterConfig, ECSPI_MASTER_CLK_FREQ);
SDMA_Init(ECSPI3_SDMAARM, &hw_src_dma::userConfig);
SDMA_CreateHandle(&hw_src_dma::spi_dma_handle_tx, ECSPI3_SDMAARM, TX_CHANNEL, &context_tx);
SDMA_CreateHandle(&hw_src_dma::spi_dma_handle_rx, ECSPI3_SDMAARM, RX_CHANNEL, &context_rx);
ECSPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleSDMA (ECSPI_MASTER_BASEADDR, &hw_src_dma::spi_dma_handle, dma_cbc, NULL, &hw_src_dma::spi_dma_handle_tx, &hw_src_dma::spi_dma_handle_rx, TX_EVENT_MAPPING,
status_t status = ECSPI_MasterTransferSDMA (ECSPI_MASTER_BASEADDR, &hw_src_dma::spi_dma_handle, &hw_src_dma::spi_dma_xfer);
if (status == kStatus_Success)
PRINTF("ECSPI_MasterTransferSDMA okay. \r\n");
ECSPI_EnableInterrupts(ECSPI_MASTER_BASEADDR, (uint32_t)kECSPI_RxFifoReadyInterruptEnable | (uint32_t)kECSPI_TransferCompleteInterruptEnable);
I shall be very gratefull for a clue to solving this problem.
Best wishes
Hello @ababatola
The only examples available are in the SDK folder.
You can refer to:
Best regards.
Thank you for the reply. That is what I have done but I did not get any result. I observed that the SDMA does not get the trigger when the SPI operation is concluded. What could be missing?
I would also like to ask if a SDMA core can be shared by the linux and the core M7. To be precise I want to share the SDMA1 between SPI1 and SPI2 where SPI1 is controlled by the core M7 and the SPI 2 linux. Is this possible?
Hi. I also trying to activate SDMA on IMX8MP - still without success. I've tried with ECSPI, UART, QSPI - I see that all signals are OK, see callbacks and time periods looks like the data is sending - but zero on output.
Looks like SDMA doesn't work for CortexM7 here in way memory -> periphery. I don't load CortexA so it's not a problem with resources sharing. Right now i want to make some test with diff optimization level and with diff cache options.
I'll write here regardeing results later.
Also, you can try with RPMSG. Information can be found here in Linux Reference Manual.
Best regards.
Hi Salas.
I'm not sure that I understand what do you mean.
How RPMSG will help CortexM send block data via ECSPI instead of SDMA?