I'm currently trying to patch the Android Lollipop 5.0 code and I run into the following error:
The command I type to patch the code is:
c_patch ~/Downloads/android_L5.0.0_1.0.0-ga_core_source/code/l5.0.0_1.0.0-ga imx_l5.0.0_1.0.0-ga
Error! Base version commit fae26a039f79d780ddedcad07f164d9e6c05fc87 doesn't exist in git /home/jsherman/myandroid/prebuilts/clang/linux-x86/host/3.4.
I have read the instructions very carefully and cant seem to figure out the issue.
Hello Jonathan Sherman,
It seems that there is a problem with the commit. Are you sure that the downloaded source code it’s the correct manifest? You may want to try to download the source code again. There are two Android 5 BSPs so there is a bit of room for mistakes.
I will try to reproduce the error. In the meantime another option is to switch to the L5.1.1_2.0.0 BSP.
Thank you for your reply,
I actually need Android 5.0.0 specifically so it will run with this other open source software. I will look at the manifest