TSN Frame Preemption(802.1QBU) Test on LS1028,alterations of the preemptable packets is not right

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TSN Frame Preemption(802.1QBU) Test on LS1028,alterations of the preemptable packets is not right

1,583 次查看
Contributor II


  I have 1 board with a LS1028, LSDKUG_Rev20.04_290520

I test the 802.1QBU follow the below top:


here is the steps:

1.swp0 connect to test center's port0

2.swp1 connect to test center's port1

3.swp3 connect to test center's port3

4.create a bridge named Bridge,add all ports to this bridge,command is:

ip link set dev swp0 up
ip link set dev swp1 up
ip link set dev swp2 up
ip link set dev swp3 up
ip link add Bridge up type bridge vlan_filtering 1
ip link set swp0 master Bridge
ip link set swp1 master Bridge
ip link set swp2 master Bridge
ip link set swp3 master Bridge
ip link set eno0 master Bridge

5. qbuset --device swp3 --preemptable 0x02

  set the class 1 for preemptable on swp3

6.send the traffic 1 on class 0 with length of 64 bytes from port0 to port3

7.send the traffic 2 on class 1 with length of 1400 bytes from port0 to port3

then the traffic 2 on class 1 could be preemptable by traffic 1

8.then capture the packets on test center's port3

the traffic 1 is the express packets remain unchanged,the traffic 2 are the preemptable frames can be split into fragments and it is required to reassemble the preempted frame at the receiving end.the below picture is the expect preemptable traffic format:


the splited packets' format should be like this:



the LS1028 result:

the packets from LS1028 is not contain the right format,like this:


can you have a look about this ?


Best regards


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3 回复数

1,247 次查看
Contributor II

My guess is that the order of the queue Settings may not be correct, which I am still confirming. Another possible cause is that the QBU authentication frame fails to pass the authentication and QBU is not enabled.I am also using LS1028 to configure the switch, maybe I am not correct either.

1,274 次查看
Contributor II

Hi expert

    can you have a look about this issue?


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1,452 次查看
Contributor II

Hi expert

    any update?

best regards

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