Someone sets my topics to 'assumed answered' when they are not answered...

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Someone sets my topics to 'assumed answered' when they are not answered...

Contributor II

How can I fix that status when the first round of help offered is not relevant, yet someone marks the topic assumed answered?

I do try to be polite and acknowledge that people try to be helpful, but saying thanks is not acknowledging the answer was helpful, just that someone took the time to offer it.

I promise to flag helpful and correct answers when they happen, and if I could arrange a party for someone who offers a direct and succinct answer...

But, as things are, I just want to be able to restore my unanswered questions as unanswered questions.

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3 返答(返信)

Senior Contributor III

Hi Steve

I think you can just continue posting to the same question

and emphasize that your original question was not answered.

I believe FSL does this to indicate that the initial question was

abandoned after not seeing a follow up to an answer for some

time but I also agree that this creates some confusion and hopefully

FSL will come up with a more clear and precise  policy on this.

Meanwhile I recommend you follow up with your unanswered questions

and restate what the problem is.

This is just my personal view. Hope it helps.

Sinan Akman

Contributor II

It's interesting, it looks like there is no longer a 'helpful answer' button, and you response is at least helpful, but I don't know if it is correct - the sentiment makes sense, though.

Possible conclusions:

My issues are so simple that nobody thinks I can't figure it out -OR- so complex that nobody can help...  hmmm....  :smileyhappy:

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Senior Contributor III

  Hi Steve

  At the bottom of my message as well as your message, I see the

following 4 items that one can click on.

Helpful  Yes | No ReplyActions ​"

Perhaps something related to your browser is preventing you

seeing that line at the end of each response.


Sinan Akman

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