Re: Inquiry PMIC PF0100 F9 version could co-design and used i.MX6Qual Plus/Dual/Solo

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Re: Inquiry PMIC PF0100 F9 version could co-design and used i.MX6Qual Plus/Dual/Solo

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

For the common hardware design rules for the i.MX 6QuadPlus, 6Quad, 6DualPlus, 6Dual, 6DualLite, 6Solo processors, please refer to the i.MX6 series Hardware Development Guide (IMX6DQ6SDLHDG) document, available on the NXP web site:

And, yes, the MMPF0100F9 PMIC can be used for the common design for the i.MX 6QuadPlus, 6Quad, 6DualPlus, 6Dual, 6DualLite, 6Solo processors. No dedicated reference design is availble for the F9 PMIC. You can mainly follow the i.MX6Quad SABRE SD board design.

Have a great day,

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2 Replies

Contributor II


I am Vageesh from Arrow Bangalore. One of our customer has developed the board with this PMIC MMPF0100F9AZES for IMX6 QuadPlus and in website it shows no-prog but for other part series mentioned pre-prog. But as per datasheet F9 is programmed. But not getting 3.3v and board bring up is not happening. Could you please assist us on this.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Yes, you are right in that the F9 pre-programmed configuration of the MMPF0100 PMIC does not produce 3.3V on any of its switching buck regulators, please refer to the Table 10 of the MMPF0100 Data Sheet document, available on the part's Documentation web page:

You can use the Default (common for all parts) configuration (the part starts working in the Default mode when the VDDOTP rail is connected to VCOREDIG through 100kOhm resistor, refer to the Section 6.1 of the document above) to get
3.0V on the SW2 regulator and then fine-tune it through the I2C control interface at the early boot stage.

Or, you can use more appropriately programmed MMPF0100 part, such as F0 to F6, for example. Select the most appropriate part by checking the Table 10 of the document above.

Have a great day,

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