I want to make a customized kernel for Android p9.0.0_2.3.0. I see the kernel source is located at
git remote shows
git status shows:
Not currently on any branch.
git branch shows:
* (no branch)
inside .repo/manifest/imx-p9.0.0_2.3.0.xml
<project path="vendor/nxp-opensource/kernel_imx" name="linux-imx" remote="imx-linux-sdk" revision="refs/tags/p9.0.0_2.3.0" />
I am thinking to create a branch and push my github, but how to do it properly so the repo can sync/update them together?
Hello Lei,
The android 9 works with that version of the kernel and there is no modification about nxp, if you need to modify the kernel you should work with android provided by google.
Hi there,
Well, I want to replace the kernel logo (the penguin) with my own. I searched the forum and it seems to me that I have to rebuild the kernel since the old patch doesn't work. Is "vendor/nxp-opensource/kernel_imx" the one I need to work with? Or any other ways?