Noisy green lateral band when using imxipuvideotransform

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Noisy green lateral band when using imxipuvideotransform

781 次查看
Contributor I


I'm using gstreamer-imx on my IMX6Q based board running Debian with the following command line:

gst-launch-1.0 -v filesrc location=pansy-1280x720-565.rgb blocksize=1843200 ! videoparse width=1280 height=720 framerate=5/1 format=29 ! decodebin ! imagefreeze ! imxipuvideotransform ! video/x-raw,format=I420 ! imxvpuenc_mpeg4 ! queue ! rtpmp4vpay ! udpsink host= port=5000

The command takes a static RGB565 image, then calls the imxipuvideotransform plugin and sends the result to my host PC over the network where I use the command below to see the image:

gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5000 caps = "application/x-rtp, media=(string)video,clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)MP4V-ES, profile-level-id=(string)4,config=(string)000001b004000001b59113000001000000012000c888800cd28045a14103, payload=(int)96,ssrc=(uint)3938653480, timestamp-offset=(uint)2667048504, seqnum-offset=(uint)31662" ! rtpmp4vdepay ! avdec_mpeg4 ! autovideosink sync=false

Everything works well but a noisy green lateral band on the host PC output window! However, if I use the same command as above on my IMX6Q board but replacing the plugin imxipuvideotransform with the standard videoconvert then the band disappears and the output is perfect.

Any advice in order to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance,


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2 回复数

568 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Rodolfo

gstreamer-imx is developed and supported by community,

difference between community GStreamer-imx plugins and

Freescale GStreamer Plugins (fsl-gst-plugin package) can be found on

so one can post it on meta-fsl-arm mailing list, so that someone familiar with

it could try to assist you.

Alternatively one can try fsl-gst-plugins, please check attached Release Notes

Table 6. Multimedia standard packages

Best regards



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568 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Igor,

thanks for your answer. However I ned to execute gstreamer on a Debiam. Is there any change about the possibility to execute the Freescale GStreamer Plugins on a Debian OS instead of Yocto?

Thanks in advance,


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