MIMXRT1040 - Manufacturing using command line

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MIMXRT1040 - Manufacturing using command line

145 次查看
Contributor II


I'm trying to organize the manufacturing process using a XRT1040. My application will have to be signed with HAB and Encrypted with OTPMK.

Untill now, all the test I did were made with Secure Provisioning Tool (V 7.0) using the "Write image" tab or using the tools>Manufacturing Tool enviroment.

Now I have to make a step forward because it is not possible to use the Manufacturing Tool in an automatic line process, so I would have the command lines to replicate the procedure.

I tried to replicate what I read in the log windows of SPT after using the Manufacturing Tool 


>init_flashloader_win.bat sdphost_connect "-u e80536af"

>write_image_win.bat close_HAB burn_BEE_key_selection burn_SRK_fuses sdphost_connect "-u e80536af" set_sdphost_baud_rate 115200 blhost_connect "-u a58b2e2d" manufacturing_task_no 0

I launhced the same commands from the same folders. The procedure runs without errors and the application stars properly. But reading the memory content I discovered that the application saved in flash was in plain text, wihtout any encryption applied.

My question... what is the correct procedure to replicate the Manufacturing Tool passages using the command lines?


Thank you



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