Low Power State interupt in IMXRT1062 Processor

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Low Power State interupt in IMXRT1062 Processor

Contributor I


Forgive me if these are a basic or poorly-worded questions as I am still new to these kinds of microcontroller programming projects. I am currently trying to reduce the power consumption of an iMXRT1062 processor by using the lpm library as given in the demo project in this reply. I was able to get the device into the Low Power Run state, but am not sure how to get it to return to the Full Run state upon receiving external signals.

Specifically, I am trying to get a return to full power when 1. receiving a signal via USB, 2. receiving a signal via LPSPI, 3. receiving a toggle of an input pin, or 4. when an on-board gpt timer goes off. The device will then perform an action and return to a low-power state, rinse and repeat.

I assume these four types of low-power interupts are pretty different, and the post I replied to already outlines somewhat how to use a pin-signal to wakeup the device. I just wanted to know if there were any good resources, documents, or tutorials explaining these kinds of low-power transitions. Specifically how to exit low-power modes with each of these triggers, and what to setup before entering low-power mode and what to turn on immediately exiting it, etc.

Thank you for the help. 

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2 Replies

Contributor I

Hi Edwin,

Thank you so much for the reply. Unfortunately, we had to move on from this project for the moment due to time constraints, but the form you sent was still very helpful as an overview in the different low-power modes. I will comment on this post again when we come back to this project in the future.

Thank you for your help!


NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @apalazz,

Please look into the following Application Note (AN12085) for more information about Low Power modes and Wake-up sources for the RT1062 and let me know if this helps.




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