cpu : imx6DQ ( 4 cpus )
software : android-R13.4-ga
kernel : linux-3.0.35
Audio codec : ES8388
When I was recording 5s or so, there will be errors.And then you can never recording until restart.
W/AudioRecord( 2131): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) user=00009c60, server=00009c60
V/MediaRecorder( 2895): getMaxAmplitude
V/MediaRecorder( 2895): getMaxAmplitude
V/MediaRecorder( 2895): getMaxAmplitude
V/MediaRecorder( 2895): getMaxAmplitude
V/MediaRecorder( 2869): getMaxAmplitude
E/audio_hw_primary( 2131): get_next_buffer() pcm_read error -1
W/audio_hw_primary( 2131): ret -1, pcm read error cannot read stream data: I/O error.
E/audio_hw_primary( 2131): get_next_buffer() pcm_read error -1
W/audio_hw_primary( 2131): ret -1, pcm read error cannot prepare channel: Device or resource busy.
E/audio_hw_primary( 2131): get_next_buffer() pcm_read error -1
W/audio_hw_primary( 2131): ret -1, pcm read error cannot prepare channel: Device or resource busy.
E/audio_hw_primary( 2131): get_next_buffer() pcm_read error -1
W/audio_hw_primary( 2131): ret -1, pcm read error cannot prepare channel: Device or resource busy.
V/MediaRecorder( 2869): getMaxAmplitude
Good Day!
My name is Jason Oh from South Korea.
Did somebody solve this problem ?
I have ported android 7.1.2 to IMX6DQ with WM8960 codec.
I have facing same issue.
Can somebody help me?
Best Regards.
Jason Oh
Is there any message from kernel? Can you share your dmesg?
Have you double checked if you have free space on your SDCard?
We are also facing almost same issue. Is there any resolution for this issue?
Manish Badarkhe