How to make fw_printenv and fw_setenv on MX6Q_SABRESD

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How to make fw_printenv and fw_setenv on MX6Q_SABRESD

Contributor III


My environment is MX6Q_SABRESD,android 4.4.2,and my uboot stored in eMMC.I want to modify the uboot environment variables from userspace,then I found fw_printenv can do this,but maybe something wrong within my steps.

1.make fw_printenv


Then,I get fw_printenv.


2.Modify fw_env.config.

I need MTD device name and Device offset,Env. size,Flash sector size to do this,so I look up uboot-imx/include/configs/mx6q_sabresd.h,and then get Device offset = 0xC0000,Env. size = 0x2000,Flash sector size = 0x2000.

Then,I want to get MTD device name,so I cat /proc/mtd on my board, but I get nothing!


So that's my first question,Why can't I get the right device name?

3.copy fw_env.config to my board,and put it in /etc

Even though I can't get device name,I just go next.

In order to change /etc from read-only to read-write,I've done this command:

mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5

Then copy fw_env.config to /etc

4.Copy fw_printenv to my board,chmod and run


This is my second question,I can't execute fw_printenv,why?

I think maybe fw_printenv depends on other lib file to execute,so I've done this:


Then I found it depends on,but my path /lib doesn't have,only have my third question,where can I get

Please help me to handle this 3 questions.

Thank You

Qiulong Li.

0 件の賞賛
1 解決策
Contributor III

I know how to make.

1.My cross compiler is wrong.I used android tool chain,and it can't use in this case,the right toolchain is freescale linux bsp toolchain.


2.After access make,I got fw_printenv,but this file can't work on my borad,because it can't find some libs,so I must do static make

vi uboot-imx/tools/env/Makefile

add -static to CPPFLAGS like follow:

CPPFLAGS := -Wall -static -DUSE_HOSTCC -I$(SRCTREE)/include


12 返答(返信)
Contributor III

I know how to make.

1.My cross compiler is wrong.I used android tool chain,and it can't use in this case,the right toolchain is freescale linux bsp toolchain.


2.After access make,I got fw_printenv,but this file can't work on my borad,because it can't find some libs,so I must do static make

vi uboot-imx/tools/env/Makefile

add -static to CPPFLAGS like follow:

CPPFLAGS := -Wall -static -DUSE_HOSTCC -I$(SRCTREE)/include

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

For your question 1, the u-boot stored in emmc. the device name under /dev/ is mmcblk0, not MTD. If you store the u-boot in NOR or NAND flash, the device name will be /dev/mtdblk.

0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Hi jimmy,

Thanks for your reply.

My uboot stored in emmc,I looked up /dev/block,I found many mmcblk device,


so which one is the device name I need,please tell me.

Thank You

Qiulong Li

0 件の賞賛
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

mmcblk0 is the emmc. mmcblk0p1 is the partition 1 in emmc.

mmcblk0boot0 is the boot partition.

For your reference, this is the part of script of ucl2.xml in MFGTOOL about writing u-boot to emmc. You can see the u-boot is writing to the boot partition. And then re-enable the write protection for boot partition.

    <CMD state="Updater" type="push" body="$ echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro">access boot partition 1</CMD>

    <CMD state="Updater" type="push" body="send" file="files/u-boot-mx6q-sabresd.bin">Sending U-Boot</CMD>

    <CMD state="Updater" type="push" body="$ dd if=$FILE of=/dev/mmcblk0boot0 bs=512 seek=2 skip=2">write U-Boot to sd card</CMD>

    <CMD state="Updater" type="push" body="$ echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro"> re-enable read-only access </CMD>

    <CMD state="Updater" type="push" body="$ echo 8 > /sys/devices/platform/sdhci-esdhc-imx.3/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:0001/boot_config">enable boot partion 1 to boot</CMD>

Contributor III

Hi jimmy,

Thanks for your reply.

My uboot boot arguments store in /dev/block/mmcblk0,and I can get boot arguments by this command:

root@sabresd_6dq:/ # dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sata/boot_args bs=512 skip=1536 count=16

and set boot arguments:

root@sabresd_6dq:/ # dd if=/sata/boot_args of=/dev/block/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=1536 count=16

So,I can modify the uboot environment variables from userspace through this way,but this way is not flexible.I still want to use fw_printenv,but my fw_printenv is fail to run:

root@sabresd_6dq:/sata # ./fw_printenv                                        

/system/bin/sh: ./fw_printenv: No such file or directory

Can you help me to fix this problem?

Thank You

Qiulong Li

0 件の賞賛
Contributor IV

Hi Qiulong,

I'm working on fw_printenv with imx6q sabresd too.

I followed your instruction to build fw_printenv seccessfully,

but it show "cannot get MTD information: Invaild argument" error message when I run fw_printenv.

my fw_env.config is

# MTD device nameDevice offsetEnv. sizeFlash sector sizeNumber of sectors

Is it the same as your?

Could you please help me how to set this config file.

Any suggestions would be very appreciated.



0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Hi Yen Chao

Your fw_env.config file is the same as me,plase check if you put this file at /etc/fw_env.config.

BTW,before put this file to /etc,you should make /etc can read and write by this command

mount -o rw,remount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5

0 件の賞賛
Contributor IV

Hi Qiulong,

Thanks for your reply.

I have checked the file position and read/write permission.

Finally, I gave up using fw_printenv command.

Maybe the u-boot(android 4.0.4) fw_printenv version is too old to support emmc.



0 件の賞賛
Contributor V

root@sabresd_6dq:/sata # ./fw_printenv                                       

/system/bin/sh: ./fw_printenv: No such file or directory

Could you please make sure you are using the cross compiled version of fw_printenv? You can check it with 'file' command. If it shows x86 compiler details, then please change it into ARM by cross compile it properly.

0 件の賞賛
Contributor III

Hi ajithpv

just like you said,I use wrong cross compiler,but when I use the right cross compiler,I can't build,please goto How to set environment for building u-boot's fw_printenv for i.MX6Q and help me again.

Thank You

Qiulong Li

0 件の賞賛
Contributor V

Could you please see the below note from the u-boot source's "tools/env/README" path.

This is a demo implementation of a Linux command line tool to access

the U-Boot's environment variables.

In the current version, there is an issue in cross-compilation.

In order to cross-compile fw_printenv, run

   make HOSTCC=<your CC cross-compiler> env

in the root directory of the U-Boot distribution. For example,

    make HOSTCC=arm-linux-gcc env

Though I used a different procedure for generating the fw_printenv, I hope the below steps may give you some idea (below steps are in Linux but not Android).

1) Go to U-boot source path. Assuming you have a local version of the cross compiler. I used "poky/1.5.1" for my task.

2) Cross compile manually by exporting the environment settings

export ARCH=arm

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/poky/1.5.1/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/

export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-

3) Compile the fw_printenv using below command

make HOSTCC=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc env

4) Check the 'fw_printenv' using 'file' command and make sure it compiled for ARM platform.

Contributor III

Hi ajithpv

Thanks for your fast reply.

My u-boot source's "tools/env/README" doesn't have any info about cross-compilation issue,and my u-boot version is v2009.08.

And I still follow what you said,this are my steps:

export ARCH=arm

export CROSS_COMPILE=~/android-4.4.2_sdi_in/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6/bin/arm-eabi-

make distclean

make mx6q_sabresd_android_config

make HOSTCC=~/android-4.4.2_sdi_in/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6/bin/arm-eabi-gcc env

But I get this error and can't build.

make -C tools/env all MTD_VERSION= || exit 1

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/l/android-4.4.2_sdi_in/bootable/bootloader/uboot-imx/tools/env'

/home/l/android-4.4.2_sdi_in/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6/bin/arm-eabi-gcc -Wall -DUSE_HOSTCC -I/home/l/android-4.4.2_sdi_in/bootable/bootloader/uboot-imx/include crc32.c  fw_env.c  fw_env_main.c -o fw_printenv

In file included from crc32.c:14:0:

/home/l/android-4.4.2_sdi_in/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.6/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-eabi/4.6.x-google/include/stdint.h:3:26: fatal error: stdint.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

fw_env.c:27:19: fatal error: errno.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

fw_env_main.c:42:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory

compilation terminated.

make[1]: *** [fw_printenv] Error 1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/l/android-4.4.2_sdi_in/bootable/bootloader/uboot-imx/tools/env'

make: *** [env] Error 1

What can I do?please help me.

Thank You

Qiulong Li

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