May i know how can I integrate the VPU decoder into the firefox brower?
I am using Yocto build on i.MX6q SabreSD board.
I manage to integrate the firefox browser in the image already. But when i wanted to run some video in the browser, it is not supported.
When i run the below page:
The h.264 and VP8 is not ticked.
I am able to run h.264 and VP8 video in gstreamer. Just that i have no idea how can i like the gstreamer to be used in firefox? Or it cannot be done at all?
Anybody has any idea on this issue?
Zhen Cong Tee
Hi Zhen
please check below, seems this is what you are looking for
Porting Chrome on i.mx6 with hw accelaration?
OSSystems/meta-browser · GitHub
Best regards
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Hi Chip,
The page does not mentioning about integrating VPU into the browser.
I did a little background survey on firefox, and from page below:
I found out that firefox only support gstreamer starting version 14.
From the meta-browser, the firefox version that is available in yocto is 10.0.11esr.
May i know how can i upgrade the yocto firefox to version 14 to test out the gstreamer?
Thank you.
Zhen Cong Tee
Hi Zhen
Please post this question
to meta-fsl-arm mailing list, so that someone familiar with integrating VPU
to firefox could try to assist you.
Best regards