Hi, can anyone please confirm if "ERR050101: USB: Endpoint conflict issue in device mode" from the silicon errata of a number of the i.MXRT processors (I'm specifically interested in the i.MXRT1020) has been fixed in the A1 revision (part numbers in ending in "B")?
I'm considering using this family to develop a product that includes a USB audio interface feature, so I will need to use isochronous IN endpoints which are affected by this issue.
My 1020 EVK board has a revision A0 processor (part number ends in "A") and definitely exhibits the problem if I debug the USB audio example code and connect the device port through a hub with other devices - audio playback will stop either immediately or for no discernible reason within 5-10 minutes.
Hi @atomayko ,
Thank you for your interest in the NXP MIMXRT product, I would like to provide service for you.
I have checked the errata:
It is fixed in the A1(B) version.
Yes, you are right, the EVK is using A1 version, but you can apply the B version sample chip, then replace the on board A1 version.
Wish it helps you!
If you still have quesitons about it, please kindly let me know.
Best Regards,