Breakpoint hits late on mcuxpresso 11.5

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Breakpoint hits late on mcuxpresso 11.5

517 次查看
Contributor II

I am using imxrt1064 board and previously was using muxpresso ide 11.2 with 2.7 SDK.
Now as a project need I have migrated to IDE 11.5 with 2.11 SDK.
But the problem I am facing when I use it in a debug mode. The first breakpoint hits late, approx 7 to 10 seconds delay is observed while hitting the breakpoint for the first time. Also, step-over takes similar delay for first time. Later it works fine. Are there any specific things to check to resolve this issue?


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492 次查看
Contributor II

Hi @diego_charles 

Thanks for the reply.
I am using external debugger.
I have tried migrating to SDK version 2.12 and MCUXpresso 11.6.
But issue persists.
Actually, I am facing this delay/slow performance only for first debug operations and not thereafter.
Is there anything else I should try?

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488 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Thank you for your update @amarsanas 

What is the model of your external debugger? 

Are you using a custom application? If you do, can you  share it with me, along with your automatically generated .launch file? 

I want to double check on my side (I got Windows 10 OS for testing), btw , which OS are  you using?

Best regards, 



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505 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @amarsanas 

If you are using the on-board debugger of our RT1064 EVK, with its default CMSIS DAP FW :

You may see an "slow" performance ( I have seen this on my side). My first recommendation is to try to update the FW to  LPC-Link2 J-Link. In this post my colleague Kerry shows how to do update:

Also you can check this post

The only inconvenience, as my colleague mentions, is that you will need an additional USB cable.

Otherwise, if you have an external debugger, please try to test with it. Just remove on-board debugger SWD related jumpers (check the schematic)

Also, if you are still migrating your SW to a new SDK version, please try version 2.12 and MCUXpresso 11.6.

All the best,





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