Hi, I'm running Andoid9 over imx8mm and I want to preset the baud rate of my uarts at start up.
I've not found any way to do this in Andoid , any suggestion?
Thank Mario
well, I've find a way to setup serials , thanks to other topics .
just launch a script at start up, also if this is not as easy work to do :-)
1) write a script, for example serialcfg.rc like this one and place it under you device
directory (es; device/fls/imx8m/mydevice)
/system/bin/stty 460800 < /dev/ttymxc2
/system/bin/stty 115200 < /dev/ttymxc3
/system/bin/stty 115200 < /dev/ttyUSB0
2) in the device's policy directory add the serialcfg.te file:
# test domains
type serialcfg, domain;
type serialcfg_exec, exec_type, vendor_file_type, file_type;
domain_auto_trans(init, vendor_shell_exec, serialcfg)
3) Change
/vendor/bin/serialcfg.rc u:object_r:serialcfg_exec:s0
4) in the device makefile add the line:
) in the device's directory change the
service serialcfg /vendor/bin/serialcfg.rc
class late_start
user root system
group root system
After start up I found serials configured as I want , anyway I will appreciate
suggestion for a more simple approach, if any exist