Installing and Configuring QT Creator (Ubuntu)

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Installing and Configuring QT Creator (Ubuntu)

Installing and Configuring QT Creator (Ubuntu)

Qt Creator can be a very good IDE in order to develop great QT applications. This IDE does not only helps with syntax highlighting, access to examples and tutorials, but also helps you to configure different toolchains Qt binary versions and target options.

First download the binary installer from:

For 32 bits:

$ wget

For 64 bits:

$ wget

execute the binary

$ ./qt-creator-linux-x86_64-opensource-2.6.2.bin

Follow the Installer GUI and choose a location. Default options should be OK.

in my case the installation was done here:

$ /home/b35153/qtcreator-2.6.2/bin

Open Qt Creator (in my case from command line, use "&" to regain control of the terminal)

$./qtcreator &


Open Tools -> Options

Choose Build & Run  on the menu of the left. and Select the Compilers Tab

Here you can add the toolchain GCC compiler of your convenience. It will appear in the "Manual"  section.


Now click on Qt Version Tab.  Here you can add the Qmake that you had created with your Qt installation; for example, the Qt5 installation described here:

Building QT for i.MX6

It will appear in the Manual section. In my case I have Qmake for PC and Qmake for i.MX6.


Now click on Kits Tab

Here you can create combinations of Compilers and Qmake, and also specify where do you want the executables to go. In my case here I combined the i.MX6 toolchain and the Qmake for I.MX6 i had created.

I did not set up device configuration since the sysroot is already shared to my device via NFS, but you can configure it so the files are sent via ssh to your device.


And that's It!

Next time you load a project you can choose which Kit you want to work on, and it will be compiled just as you need.

标签 (3)

Isn't it possible to set up QT Creator without building own make for I.MX6?

It is really complicated to build it while using things building with ltib and ltib is horror !!!

Qt is build on Yocto image.



You need the qmake compiled for i.MX6 in order to create Qt5 programs that run in the i.MX6 processor. Otherwise you will create programs that run on the PC.

I dont remember if the yocto build also creates this special qmake.  It should be in /opt/qt5/bin  or something similar

Yocto currently is able to build a Qt toolchain for Qt4 but not yet for Qt5.    

Hello Otavio,

QT4 should be good for me. I have to build a special image with yocto?


I do "bitbake meta-toolchain-qt"

Results are

joerg@ubuntu1204:~/yocto/rootfs_builder/build/tmp/deploy/images$ ls

modules--3.0.35-r0-nitrogen6x-20130629065000.tgz    uImage--3.0.35-r0-nitrogen6x-20130629065000.bin



iḿ not sure what to do with that?

I'm sorry to say this but to follow these instructions is the sheer horror.
You start with a tab in the browser and ends after a short time at 7 tabs open and completely lose track!

Any guidance expects the exact execution of another instruction, which again presupposes the execution of another instruction.


Well I can give you a consulting service if you wish, otherwise you'll need to read the docs ;-)

Followed your instructions.  Program ran, but there are no examples.  Do you know where I can find them?

The examples are installed when you insstall   Qt5.   you can install Qt5 for the PC  to try the examples first from here Download Qt, the cross-platform application framework | Qt Project,

and then compile Qt5 for i.MX  with the guide here in the community.

If you install the version for PC (ubuntu linux)   you can find the examples at:  /Home/Qt/5.1.0/gcc_64/examples

If you download and compile i.MX Qt5  you can find the examples at: /opt/qt5/examples


I followed your instructions but already stumbled by downloading QTCreator.

Seems like QT have changed the folder structure.

Files can be found with bellow Links now.



All other steps was working fine for me.


The links are working, but is still 2.8   Choose You need here:

Have a look for this

Setup QT Creator with Yocto Build 

That's the link which I've already seen earlier Setup QT Creator with Yocto Build
I already was a bit confused that the link has changed.

Ok thank you, it's clear now for me. :smileyhappy:

‎03-14-2013 09:45 AM