Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter doesn't find USB-KW41Z

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Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter doesn't find USB-KW41Z

Contributor II

I have a USB-KW41Z in as-delivered state (pre-programmed with sniffer firmware). I am trying to use it on a Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit, Version: 1607, OS Build: 14393.1198). I have followed the "Getting Started" instructions. I have connected the board and both the red and green LED are ON.

When I run Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter it pops up a User Account Control window and I click on "Yes". However, the configuration window does not appear.

Device Manager displays Ports (COM & LPT) -> Virtual Com Port (COM7) when the board is connected.

Connecting the board to a Linux system gives the following:

[418242.431109] usb 2-1.6: new full-speed USB device number 15 using ehci-pci
[418242.542672] usb 2-1.6: language id specifier not provided by device, defaulting to English
[418242.546043] usb 2-1.6: New USB device found, idVendor=15a2, idProduct=0300
[418242.546046] usb 2-1.6: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
[418242.546501] cdc_acm 2-1.6:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device

Any advice on how to proceed?

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8 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Could you please try to run the application as administrator and verify if the interface gets liested? 

Please let me know if this works for you, 



Contributor II

Apologies for the delay in replying.

I tried running without and with run as administrator, both with and without the USB-KW41Z plugged into a USB 2.0 port. The "Protocol Analyzer Adapter" window didn't appear for any of these cases.

I also tried a Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit, Version 1703, Build 15063.332) Xen domU VM attempting USB pass through to an openSUSE Tumbleweed Xen dom0. Without USB passthrough enabled the "Protocol Analyzer Adapter" window is displayed. With pass through enabled the "Protocol Analyzer Adapter" window is displayed but no sniffer is detected.

When the USB-KW41Z is plugged into a Windows system what new devices should appear in Device Manager?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Sorry for the late response, let me investigate about your case on the first computer.

Did you try uninstalling and re installing it again, in case the installation went wrong for some reason ? 

When you plug the USB-KW41Z it must appear like a Virtual COM. 

The issue on the other computer might be regarding the drivers... Could you verify if those are correctly installed in your computer?

And another question.... By any chance do you know if your board has OpenSDA? 



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Contributor II

Did you try uninstalling and re installing it again, in case the installation went wrong for some reason ?

Uninstall: Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter and Drivers (1.2.4)
           Didn't fully uninstall. Deleted C:\NXP
           No Kinetis entry in Device Manager->Network Adapters
Uninstall: Wireshark (2.2.6), USBPcap, Personal Settings and WinPCAP (4.1.3)
           C:\Program Files\Wireshark\uninstall.exe
Uninstall: KW41Z Connectivity Software 1.0.2


Insert:    USB-KW41Z
           Virtual Com Port (COM7) appears in Device Manager->Ports (COM & LPT)
Install:   MKW41Z_Connectivity_Software.exe
Install:   Wireshark Windows Installer (64-bit) (2.2.7)
           including WinPCAP (4.1.3) and USBPcap (
Install:   Kinetis_Protocol_Analyzer_Adapter.exe (1.2.4)
           Freescale Kinetis-W Network Interface appears in Device Manager->Network Adapters

Behaviour exactly as before.

When you plug the USB-KW41Z it must appear like a Virtual COM. 

As noted above, it appears as Virtual Com Port (COM7). Driver Provider: Freescale; Driver Date: 16/02/2011; Driver Version:; Digital Signer: Freescale Semiconductor.

And another question.... By any chance do you know if your board has OpenSDA? 

Board is as-delivered. Using this suggestion by Michael Dalby I tried the first three steps on a Linux box. The USB-KW41Z shows up as a mass storage device (MSD) containing 8454144 bytes (8 Mb + 64 Kb). Is this sufficient to confirm that it has OpenSDA? Note that I don't have access to any J-LINK / JTAG hardware.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Just to be sure, could you please follow the instructions on this post? 

Plase, let me know if this works for you 



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Contributor II

Thanks for the reply. Before I try following those instructions would it be possible to identify the current state of the device?

When inserted with RESET KW41Z pressed the green LED lights. When it is released both the green and red LEDs light. The device appears as an Mass Storage Device: DAPLINKBOOT (E:) containing two files both dated 22/03/2016 15:30. The files are DETAILS.TXT and OPENSDA.HTM. The contents of DETAILS.TXT:

# DAPLink Firmware - see
Unique ID: 0000000033074e45002860096b7100220000706897969904
HIC ID: 97969904
Auto Reset: 0
Automation allowed: 1
Daplink Mode: Bootloader
Bootloader Version: 0241
Git SHA: d93cf25d463818767b63785b3397dc1cf218ea84
Local Mods: 1
USB Interfaces: MSD
Interface CRC: 0x3cb40d58

The device is enumerating as a Mass Storage Device. Does that mean it is in bootloader mode? Would it then be safe to do:

3. Drag and drop the "sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin" included in the KW41Z Connectivity Software package. This .bin file ensures that bootloader is not overwritten.

Just to double check, what should be the target of the drop? DAPLINKBOOT (E:) ?

Apologies for being ultra cautious but I don't have access to any J-LINK / JTAG hardware and want to avoid putting the device in a state where I can't recover it using just USB and the buttons.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



Instructions to update the USB-KW41Z firmware – K22 OpenSDA and KW41 Application firmware


Update K22 OpenSDA firmware to Segger’s J-Link OpenSDA

  1. Download Segger’s J-Link OpenSDA for USB-KW41Z:
  2. Disconnect the USB-KW41Z from PC
  3. Connect the USB-KW41Z to PC while pressing the KW41Z Reset button (SW2)
  4. Verify that the part is enumerated as “DAPLINKBOOT” MSD
  5. Drag & Drop Segger’s J-Link OpenSDA binary to DAPLINKBOOT’s unit
  6. Verify that the part is now enumerated as “USB-KW41ZJ” MSD


Update KW41Z Application firmware

  1. Drag & Drop KW41Z Application binary to the USB-KW41ZJ MSD
  2. Run the application



Follow the steps mentioned above. First, enable the K22 OpenSDA with Segger's J-Link to program the KW41Z with the "sniffer_usbkw41z_kw41z.bin" application.

Then, re-program the K22 OpenSDA to use the "sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin" OpenSDA, this will enable the sniffer functionality. The Protocol Analyzer should now list the sniffer.


Firmware used for k22 and kw41z to enable the sniffer application can be found at the KW41Z SDK build ...\tools\wireless\binaries.




Brief description:

sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f.bin - OpenSDA firmware to enable sniffer functionality on the K22. Starts at address 0x00. DO NOT USE if you want to keep the K22 bootloader.

sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin - OpenSDA firmware to enable sniffer functionality on the K22. Starts at address 0x8000 to avoid overriding the K22 bootloader.

sniffer_usbkw41z_kw41z.bin - Sniffer firmware for the KW41Z.

43_OpenSDA_USB-KW41Z.bin - Segger's J-Link OpenSDA firmware, allows you to drag & drop firmware (binaries) to the KW41z. It will also enable you to program and debug the KW41z application.


Best Regards, 


0 Kudos

Contributor II

Many thanks for the instructions. Here's what I have tried. Original instructions in italics. My comments and additional steps in regular font.

Instructions to update the USB-KW41Z firmware – K22 OpenSDA and KW41 Application firmware

Update K22 OpenSDA firmware to Segger’s J-Link OpenSDA


Download Segger’s J-Link OpenSDA for USB-KW41Z:<;


Disconnect the USB-KW41Z from PC


Connect the USB-KW41Z to PC while pressing the KW41Z Reset button (SW2)


Disk drives -> MBED VFS USB Device

Ports (COM &LPT) -> nothing extra


Verify that the part is enumerated as “DAPLINKBOOT” MSD


Disk drives -> MBED VFS USB Device

Ports (COM &LPT) -> nothing extra


Drag & Drop Segger’s J-Link OpenSDA binary to DAPLINKBOOT’s unit

Drag & Drop "43_OpenSDA_USB-KW41Z.bin" to "DAPLINKBOOT (E:)"


Verify that the part is now enumerated as “USB-KW41ZJ” MSD

This PC -> USB-KW41ZJ (E:)

Disk drives -> SEGGER MSD Volume USB Device

Ports (COM &LPT) -> JLink CDC UART Port (COM8)

Update KW41Z Application firmware


Drag & Drop KW41Z Application binary to the USB-KW41ZJ MSD

Drag & Drop "sniffer_usbkw41z_kw41z.bin" to "USB-KW41ZJ (E:)"

This PC -> USB-KW41ZJ (E:)

Disk drives -> SEGGER MSD Volume USB Device

Ports (COM &LPT) -> JLink CDC UART Port (COM8)


Run the application

Run "Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter" as administrator

No panel displayed


Disconnect the USB-KW41Z from PC


Connect the USB-KW41Z to PC while pressing the KW41Z Reset button (SW2)


Disk drives -> MBED VFS USB Device

Ports (COM &LPT) -> nothing extra


Drag & Drop "sniffer_usbkw41z_k22f_0x8000.bin" to "DAPLINKBOOT (E:)"

This PC -> nothing extra

Disk drives -> nothing extra

Disk drives -> Virtual Com Port (COM7)


Run the application

Run "Kinetis Protocol Analyzer Adapter" as administrator

No panel displayed

Have I missed something? Were the extra steps that I guessed correct?



John Connett

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