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Contributor I

Hi. I am developing Zigbee application using JN5169 and "JN-AN-1216-Zigbee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge". I couldn't find a function to read the RSSI. How can I check the RSSI ? Please let me know if there is a register or API that can check the value.or Example?


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508 次查看
Contributor I


   Excuse me, have you made any progress?

   thank you.

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504 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, @luoyf20240508 

Sorry, Not yet.

I am a little busy these day, I will check it ASAP.

Once have any updates, I will let you know.


Best regards,


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624 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, @luoyf20240508 

Thanks for creating case to us and hope you are doing well.

I checked and find the github code, it is difficult to find an API or a function which can read RSSI.

I think it might be implemented in our FW.

You can try to search it in below:


I will also check with our internal team, hope we can find some useful info to you.


Best regards,


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616 次查看
Contributor I


   I checked again, but I couldn't find how to read RSSI. Can you find it here? thank you.

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603 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, @luoyf20240508 

Thanks for your reply.

What I can found the information related to RSSI is below:

Rssi value is read from mac register, which is measured using complex signal strength estimation algorithm.

The variation is specified in datasheet.

For JN5169, https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/JN5169.pdf

Page 71 to page 75, RSSI is measured at three distinct temperature(-40, 25, 125) degree and over the voltage (2 to 3.6)v.

It has the variation of +/-4 dbm, under the above circumstances and over different batches.

And in the datasheet, it mentioned that it is available through JN5169 Integrated Peripherals API.

I also checked this API guide, there is one function:

void vAHI_AntennaDiversityControl(uint8 u8RxRssiThreshold, uint8 u8RxCorrThreshold);

I am not sure whether it is what you want.

And I also found the ZigBee Diagnostics cluster. If the Diagnostics server is enabled, you can access the value of the last Message's RSSI from the shared structure in this cluster.

You can read more information about this cluster in Chapter 22 of the ZigBee Cluster Library (for ZigBee 3.0) User guide, which can be found here.

Unfortunately, that's the code relating to RSSI that we have available to share.

Besides, you can also check :

void vGetRSSIAndLQIFromGPPGPDLink( tsGP_ZgpDataIndication *psZgpDataIndication);

to see whether it is what you want.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,


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565 次查看
Contributor I


Thanks for your reply.
   I look for the API you provided in the SDK again: VAHI_AntennaDiversityControl and vGetRSSIAndLQIFromGPPGPDLink, Neither function is found in the SDK(JN-AN-1216-Zigbee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge) code. Do you know this SDK "JN-AN-1216-Zigbee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge" code project? This SDK is downloaded from NXP's official website, so we want to know how to read RSSI in this SDK. This SDK "JN-AN-1216-Zigbee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge" is the ZIGBEE Gateway, which my device joins to and the Gateway can read the RSSI between the device and the device.
   Please help me, how to read RSSI in this SDK "JN-AN-1216-Zigbee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge"?

Best regards.

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559 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, @luoyf20240508 

Can you please provide me the "JN-AN-1216-Zigbee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge" SDK download link?

Best regards,



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539 次查看
Contributor I


Please go to the NXP webpage and find "JN-AN-1216", thank you.


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439 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, @luoyf20240508 

Sorry for my late reply.

I downloaded the package according to your guidance, and did search, but could not find any API related to RSSI. I think there is no RSSI related API implemented in this package.

I also open the GUI, there is also no button or options related to RSSI.

And also, I checked the JN-AN-1216-ZigBee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge-UserGuide.pdf inside of doc directory, it doesn't mention anything related to RSSI.

So I concluded that there is no API or functions implemented in this JN-AN-1216-ZigBee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge.

Please let me know whether have anything I can do for you on this case.

Best regards,


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381 次查看
Contributor I


   Thank you for your reply.

    In this  JN-AN-1216-ZigBee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge, there are API for RSSI, because I have sample Dongle in hand, which can read RSSI data.But this dongle was made by someone else, and I have no idea how they got the RSSI.

    Please help me. Can you ask other colleagues for help?

    thank you.

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361 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, @luoyf20240508 

Sure, I am checking with our expert team.

I will let you know once receive our expert's reply.

Thanks for your patience.


Best regards,


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356 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, @luoyf20240508 

I received our expert's reply and confirmed there is no RSSI API in this package: JN-AN-1216-Zigbee-3-0-IoT-ControlBridge.

If you are interested in RSSI, you can think about this:

JN-UG-3119 or JN-AN-1172

There is RSSI API in these two packages.

Please let me know whether you have other concerns.


Best regards,


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