How to find How to find kw36 on other beacon apps and receive the positioned packets on other beacon apps and receive the positioned packets

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How to find How to find kw36 on other beacon apps and receive the positioned packets on other beacon apps and receive the positioned packets

Contributor II

Hi,I' Liu,

Excuse me, I'm using the kw36 development board, and now I want to migrate the beacon program to my existing app (existing source code). What parameters should I modify for the board or app's engineering code (the array content of the adverdata has been modified and the transfer is not effective), is it not portable or do I need to modify the parameters of a specific mobile phone? Is that the address? If so, how to get the board address? I'm just at the beginning, thank you very much.

Best regards.

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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I'm not fully sure I understand your request , are you trying to create your own mobile application? Or what do you mean by app?

We always recommend to use the wireless connectivity examples as a base and add there the modifications to the application code and not the other way around.

Please also check

Use of Unique 40-bit MAC Address in Kinetis®Wireless Microcontrollers

Implementing Bluetooth® LE Beacons on the KW40Z Wireless Microcontroller 

I believe this should be helpful



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Contributor II

I'm sorry that I haven't express my problem clearly.

What I want to express is, can the beacon program correspond to the mobile software of NXP? But because there is no source code, and it's apple system, I want to create a mobile software that can connect with kw36 board for beacon. With an Android Software Based on Ti open-source mobile terminal, but he can only receive the ibeacon message of Ti board. I want to ask if I can make this mobile software accept the kw36 sending of NXP by modifying the source code parameters of some Android Software I think the message array beacon and ibeacon are very similar, but I don't know which setting makes the mobile phone unable to match kw36

Best wishes

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


As the KW36 works according to the standards, so the different APIs available in either iOS or Android to identify the Bluetooth LE packet should work for you and you can filter the device by the manufacturer ID or the device name if desired.

Still, we do not have an example available to share for the mobile application source code, thta would need to be your own implementation.

Regards ,


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