88W8997PCIE module 11ac 80MHz slow Throughput around 300-400Mbps(RX) on i.mx8mm with AX200,210

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88W8997PCIE module 11ac 80MHz slow Throughput around 300-400Mbps(RX) on i.mx8mm with AX200,210

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Contributor III

Platform (Host CPU): i.mx8mm EVK
OS: Tried Linux 6.1.22_2.0.0 and Linux 5.15.71_2.2.1

HW: i.mx8mm EVK + WiFi module:
AW-CM276MA-PUR (M.2)

BSP version: Linux 6.1.22_2.0.0 & 5.15.71_2.2.1
Driver version and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth/Bluetooth LE Firmware version: PCIE8997--16.92.21.p55.3-MM5X16366.p5-GPL-(FP92) and PCIE8997--16.92.21.p84.4-MM5X16391.p3-GPL-(FP92) 
0. HW or SW/FW issue? should be FW or SW
1. Environment: In shielding room or open site? shielding  and also can check in open site.
2. Issue description:
Do throughput iperf3 test with AX200 Notebook and AX210 desktop
Check RX speed is too slow is around 300-400Mbps
TX speed is ok >550Mbps.
RX(i.mx8mm side: iperf3 -s; AX2x0 side: iperf3 -c [ip add.] )
3. Setup:
Bring up WiFi then do iperf3 test.

4. Steps to reproduce on NXP EVK: (attached config.zip)

modprobe moal mod_para=nxp/wifi_mod_para.conf
touch /var/lib/misc/udcpd.leases
ifconfig uap0 netmask up
route add default gw
udhcpd /etc/udhcpd.conf
hostapd /etc/hostapd-5g.conf -B
iperf3 -s -i1 (RX)

AX200 side:
iperf3 -c -w2M -P8 -fm -i1 -t60
round side test TX: iperf3 -c -w2M -P8 -fm -i1 -t60 -R

Note: Compared different test device.
if use Samsung S23, there is no RX speed issue.
both RX: >550Mbps, TX:>550Mbps.
Please help to check if its compatibility issue and if its possible to solve on 88W8997 side.

5. Observation:

its only 4xx Mbps (Target: >550Mbps)
i.mx8mm: iperf3 -s -i1
PC side (AX200): iperf3 -c -w2M -P8 -fm -i1 -t60

6. Fail Rate: 100%
7. Additional dmesg/logcat/OTA sniffer logs, FW coredump, RF tester logs…:
Please comment which logs needed, it can be easily reproduced.

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