Please increase or remove the Login Timeout

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Please increase or remove the Login Timeout

Specialist II

Whenever I return to the Freescale Forums I have to log in again. This is the only Forum where this anachronism applies.

I was told it couldn't be fixed with Lithium, but this is a different platform, so maybe it can be. It was something like a few hours.

I don't have to log into Google. It remembers who I am.

I don't have to log into eBay unless I want to buy something. It remembers who I am.

I don't have to log into the Microchip forums.

I don't have to log into the Whirlpool forums.

I do have to log into my Bank, and it does timeout, but they've got good reasons to do this.


8 Replies

Specialist II


> Whenever I return to the Freescale Forums I have to log in again. This is the only Forum where this anachronism applies.

This has now been fixed! When I connected to the Freescale Forums this morning I was automatically logged back in.

Thanks for getting this fixed.

But it still took 13 months!


0 Kudos

Contributor V

Really? It's not working for me. I logged in earlier today. When I opened the browser and came back here just now I found I was was logged out. After I saw your posts I tested it again by closing the browser and immediately re-opening it; when I got back here I had to log in again.

I have no idea what that "remember me" check box is for. I have tried checking it as hard as I can (and swearing) and it makes no difference. Every time the browser is closed I get logged out.

I find it a real disincentive to come here and check posts. I have a couple of spare minutes and I think I'll go check the Freescale forum, then I think oh no, I'll have to fiddle about logging in, so I don't.

I really don't know why this is so hard. Other vendors manage to keep me logged in to their forums for years at a time. It's not rocked science; instead of using a session cookie, use a persistent one with an expiry date ten years hence. It should be a one-line change.

I'm using Chrome on Windows XP, if it matters.

0 Kudos

Specialist II

> Really? It's not working for me.

It worked once for me. Then not the next time, so whatever they've changed, it is intermittent.

I've noticed another change that is a bit better. Previously, clicking on "Login" would take me off to another Freescale generic login page from which I'd have to return.

Now clicking on "Login" seems to kick it into action (to retrieve its cookie I'd guess) and then I'm logged in while still being on the same page.

Then sometimes that red banner comes up saying something is wrong, which means the cached page says I'm logged in while the site thinks I'm not.

> Other vendors manage to keep me logged in to their forums for years at a time.

Other vendors may support their own Forum software themselves, or have more responsive suppliers.

> It's not rocked science;

But it isn't a priority, apparently.

Neither is cut-and-paste, and providing an "Insert Code" button. Cut-and-paste is still broken, and the "Code Insert" is deeply hidden behind "Advanced Editor" then "anonymous double-right-arrow-icon" then "Syntax Highlighting" then "Plain".

Bit you can insert a Video from with one click. So this forum is written for what sort of customers and users exactly?


0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Tom,  I just wanted to let you know we are working on this.  We have had several reports of this being problematic.

0 Kudos

Specialist II

I notice that on a new post, it tells me "You have 99,999,999 minutes to un-mark this discussion as a question if you didn't mean to mark it as such."

I'm glad the forum gives me 190 YEARS to make this change. Now if you could make the login timeout the same I'll be happy.


NXP Employee
NXP Employee

:smileyhappy: If I could, I would.  As someone who is in the community all day and constantly logging in, I feel your pain.  For some reason Firefox accepts the remember password option, but IE and Chrome do not.  We are working with our IT team and the vendor on identifying the issue. 

0 Kudos

Specialist II

And if you're half way through a LONG response on a forum and then go away for lunch, it logs you out and deletes all of your edits!

Yes, it just did that to me today.


0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Timeout has been increased to 2 hours.  I will continue work with our network security team to get a more constant state, but at this point this is the best I can do.

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