University Programs Knowledge Base

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University Programs Knowledge Base


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Campeão Brasileiro 2011 POLIposition Team PSI USP
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Added by Gil Ernesto Rieke Aguirre on July 25, 2012 Universidad de Guadalajara test setup of Freescale Cup car. 
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Option #1 Camera Mount Designed by Eli Hughes of WaveNumber LLC. You can order these parts through which 3D prints on demand. You can choose from all sorts of materials depending on how much you want to spend. Camera Mount Option #2 To attach the camera we found useful to prepare two metal L-shaped pieces made from aluminium. With the help of black plastic distance posts (already available in the kit) and these metal stands, you may freely change the position of the camera over the surface. You may use following files to cut the required shapes (drawing was made using the QCad program): Preview (.pdf) CAD file (.dxf)
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The Embedded World 2013 trade show was held last week (26-28 Feb) in Nuremberg. The exhibition attracted over 22,500 visitors (1.3% increase over 2012) of which 29% are from outside Germany. This year, for the 2nd time, Freescale presented its University Programs presentation in addition to its large demo booth in Hall 4A. The University Programs area is dedicated in linking the industry with the universities we partner with, showing demos and achievements from students related to today's Freescale technologies. This year we featured the following demonstrations: ROS (Robot Operating System) communication to a robotic arm and sensor array system featuring distributed computing system based on iMX535 platform from the University of Applied Sciences Georg-Simon-Ohm in Nuremberg Tennis game demonstration as teaching programming tool using the Kinetis K60 Tower system from the University of Applied Sciences of Munich IP Camera stabilisation system for drone system using MPC5604B Track Board from the University of Applied Sciences of Ingolstadt eCARus 2.0 2-seater electric buggy featuring i.MX and 16-bit automotive S12 technologies from the Technical University of Munich Rescue Robot for remote assistance in disaster areas using i.MX and 16-bit automotive S12 technologies from the Technical University of Ostrava FSLBOT mini robot demonstration running on ColdFire from the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut FSLBOT and other student robot projects running on Kinetis K60 Tower systems from the University of Applied Sciences in Deggendorf Here are a few pictures showing robots roaming the grounds and attracting the attention of several visitors.
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by Kate Fischl
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Have you even wondered where to get started when you wish to get support for your project? Here is a short presentation giving you the links to Project Sponsorship, Freescale Social Networks and other useful resources.
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This past Tuesday June 25th, 2013, the UNICAMP E-Racing compete against 19 teams and won the first place with a score of 985 points of a total of 1000. The car used an electric motor of 120 V and a chassis that weighted 250 kg (551.2 lbs). That allows the car with a charging time of 2 hours to be driving for 25 km (15.5 miles) and race up to speeds of 170 km/h (105.6 mph). Check out this video of the car: The official results:
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Video Highlights of 2012 Competition Photographs from the Freescale Cup Japan 2012 competition.
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The attached final rules are valid for the 2013 China Freescale Innovation Competition
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There are three types of memory in a typical Micrcontroller  FLASH - where your programs are stored RAM - for manipulating variables during runtime EEPROM - stores long term information
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Lab Materials that accompany the LFEBS12UB. Download restricted to verified faculty only.  Request to join the Faculty Portal now.
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Harvard Extension School CSCI E-251, Fall 2012: Principles of Operating Systems Final Project Presentations Presentation by David Lieberman
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A total of 40 teams of more than 120 electrical and electronics engineering undergraduates from 19 local public and private universities competed in The Free...
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Added by Richard Balogh on April 3, 2012 Teams from the Slovak University of Technology at the EMEA 2012 Finals in Prague The cars for the finals.... ready to compete. The race track is can start.
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"What's the difference between all these Freedom boards?" First, let's talk about the givens.  All Freedom boards will have the following: -OpenSDA Debug Interface -Pin layout to accept any Arduino(R3) shield -Multiple Power Options (USB, Battery or External) -The Cortex-M0+ family excels at low-power operation!! Now for the bells and whistles: FRDM-K20D50M FRDM-KL25Z FRDM-KL26Z FRDM-KL05Z FRDM-KL02Z FRDM-KE027Z FRDM-KL46Z Core MHz Flash/RAM/FlexMem Cortex-M4 50 128K/16K/32K Cortex-M0+ 48 128K/16K Cortex-M0+ 48 128K/16K Cortex-M0+ 48 32K/4K Cortex-M0+ 48 32K/4K Cortex-M0+ 20 64K/4K Cortex-M0+ 48 256K/32K Typ. Operating Voltage 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V 5V 3.3V Capacitive Touch Slider :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: RGB Led :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: Light Sensor :smileycheck: 3-Axis Acceleromter :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: :smileycheck: Magnometer :smileycheck: IrDA :smileycheck: Thermistor :smileycheck: LCD Display :smileycheck: Switches 2 mbed Enabled :smileycheck: :smileycheck: List Price (USD) $18.00 $12.95 $15.00 $12.95 $12.95 $12.95 $15.00 Link to Product Page :smileyinfo: :smileyinfo: :smileyinfo: :smileyinfo: :smileyinfo: :smileyinfo: :smileyinfo: If you would like me to add anything to the matrix, post to the comments section below!
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La descripción de este proyecto consta principalmente de tres elementos que destacan el primero y el cual es tomado como planta principal es un reloj despertador el cual esta conformado por un freedom, un LCD de 16x2 caract. y por una pequeña bocina, este será controlado para su funcionamiento con el módulo touch del micro-controlador; como segundo apartado se tiene una tira de LEDS que se empotra a la cabecera de la cama la cual contendrá un dimmer para controlar la cantidad de luz, teniendo como máxima intensidad la hora fijada en la alarma (como apoyo además de la bocina para lograr despertar) y por último un interruptor de apagado que se pretende colocar al otro lado de la habitación donde se desee incorporar el despertador, el cual tendrá forma de canasta de baloncesto, para que solamente al anotar una canasta sea la única forma de apagar la alarma y este proceso sea interactivo. Original Attachment has been moved to:
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Este proyecto consiste en controlar un foco RGB conectándolo desde la corriente alterna y controlandolo con cualquier celular android con Bluetooth la aplicación se diseño en java. y se uso un shield de bluettoth para freedom.
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Join the fun and watch the who will be crowned Freescale Cup Champion, LIVE from the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits. Check the event info at LIVECAST
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El proyecto se trata de un tiro al blanco que funciona con una pistola que emite luz infrarroja, la cual es captada por los sensores infrarrojos localizados en el centro de los blancos. De atinarle al blanco, este se esconderá y aparecerá uno nuevo.
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FTF on-the-street reporter talks to the Universidad del Valle de Mexico team from Guadalajara, Mexico who describe their challenge...
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