T2080 DPAA registers view not available in CodeWarrior 10.5.1

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T2080 DPAA registers view not available in CodeWarrior 10.5.1

Contributor II


I am using CodeWarrior 10.5.1 to debug DPAA code on T2080RDB . The DPAA registers are not available in the registers view of CodeWarrior IDE. Can you provide the XML files to be included for adding BMAN, QMAN, FMAN and MEMAC registers in the registers view of CodeWarrior?




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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

We define the PA10 registers in .xml files that are bundled into ZIP files named for the processor that has those registers.  These ZIP files use the filename suffix ".mwpdb".  You'll find them in the C:\Freescale\CW_PA_v10.5.1\PA\bin\plugins\support\Products\ProductData folder, in a Windows installation.
Using a standard ZIP utility, open the PowerPC_EABI_T2080.mwpdb file and you'll see the structure of its files and folders.

To add one or more new registers, start with product-manifext.xml.  Then add the defining .xml for each new DPAA register to the Registers folder, probably to the (new) Registes\QorIQ\T2080\DPAA folder. 

For DPAA registers definition, you could refer to QMAN and BMAN registers definition in PowerPC_EABI_P4080\Registers\QorIQ\P4080 and PowerPC_EABI_P4080\RegisterDetails\QorIQ\P4080.

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