How to format a sd for booting on T2081

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How to format a sd for booting on T2081

Contributor I

To whom it may concern,

We're tying to bring up a custom board based on the T2080rdb.  We're using the qoriq sdk v2.0-1703 yocto We've got built images ready to go, our issue is how to partition the SD card, which images to use, and how to load them where they need to go.

According to the QorIQ SDk v2.0-1703 Documentation, SD Deployment for the T2080RDB, we need 2 partitions

sdc1 (vfat)

sdc2 (ext2)

I assume that the u-boot-sdcard is loaded into the sdc1 partition [cp command? something else?]

For sdc2, I've found the filesystem image tarball mentioned in the docs.  Is the extracted file simply copied into the partition with cp or is something else required?  And for loading our customized code, what output is equivalent, are there any special procedures?

Thanks for your help,

Kyle von Schmacht

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4 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Kyle von Schmacht ,

Please download SDK 2.0 pre-built image ISO QorIQ-SDK-V2.0-PPCE6500-IMAGE-20160527-yocto.iso from NXP public Website.

You could get images u-boot-sdcard.bin, fsl_fman_ucode_t2080_r1.1_106_4_18.bin, uImage and uImage-t2080rdb.dtb in t2080rdb folder, and get rootfs filesystem QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_E6500_20160527_ROOTFS_Image.tar.gz in folder full-rootfs.


Please create two partitions with Linux command "fdisk", one 512-Mbyte FAT16 and 2G one ext2/ext3 or with remainder of the available disk size.

# mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1

# mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdb2


The SD u-boot images provided in the SDK 2.0 image ISO includes RCW(+PBI) and u-boot.

Please deployed PBL u-boot image to SD card as the following.

=> tftp 1000000 u-boot-sdcard.bin

=> mmcinfo

=> mmc write 1000000 8 $filesize

Please deploy FMAN Firmware ucode in SD card as the following.

=> tftp 1000000 fsl_fman_ucode_p2041_r2.0_106_1_18.bin

=> mmc write 1000000 820 $filesize


Please deploy rootfs filesystem in the host PC as the following.

# mkdir  /temp

# mount  /dev/sdb2  /temp

# cd /temp

# cp QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_E6500_20160527_ROOTFS_Image.tar.gz .

# tar -xzvf QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_E6500_20160527_ROOTFS_Image.tar.gz

# rm QorIQ_SDK_V2.0_E6500_20160527_ROOTFS_Image.tar.gz

Please deploy uImage and the dtb to the /boot folder.

# cp uImage boot

# cp  uImage-t2080rdb.dtb boot


Configure the switch setting boot from SD card SW1[1:8] = '00100000', SW2[1] = '0', Plug in the SD card to the target board and power on.

Set the environment in uboot for SD boot.

=>setenv bootfile uImage

=> setenv fdtfile uImage-t2080rdb.dtb

=> setenv bootcmd 'setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootdelay=5 console=$consoledev,$baudrate;mmcinfo;ext2load mmc 0:2 $loadaddr /boot/$bootfile;ext2load mmc 0:2 $fdtaddr /boot/$fdtfile;bootm $loadaddr - $fdtaddr'

Please refer to other u-boot parameters.

=> pri consoledev


=> pri baudrate


=> pri loadaddr


=> pri fdtaddr



Boot up Linux

=> boot

Have a great day,

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Contributor I

Yiping Wang,

Thanks for the quick response, the deployment guide glossed over many of those details.  Clarifying question, the instructions prefaced with "=>"  what are they used with?  A program on the host, the RDB?

If possible I want to be able to fully provision the SD card from the host.

Another question more on the hardware side.

The board is strapped for SD card boot,  resets and clocks are good.  I see the eSDHC clock output, but I never see the stream of commands and data on the CMD or DAT0 lines that would indicate loading the RCW. 

Do you or any of your colleagues have any ideas for what may be causing the issue?

Thanks for your help,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Kyle von Schmacht,

You could deploy u-boot and fman ucode in Linux Host as the following. I only guided how to do this under u-boot prompt "=>" previously.

# dd if=u-boot-sdcard.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=512 seek=0x8

# dd if=fsl_fman_ucode_t2080_r1.1_106_4_18.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=512 seek=0x820

For your another question, probably it is caused by hardware. would you please create a new thread to discuss more with the hardware Engineer?

Have a great day,

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

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Contributor I


I created a SD card following your directions above for use with the T2080RDB to test the SD card creation process.

Output from the SDK was unmodified, targeted at the T2080RDB, the File system from the Image .iso

I used the host side to load the u-boot-sdcard [dd command]

The Board switches are set as follows

SW1 [0010 0000],

SW2 [0011 1111],

SW3 [1110 0001].

The T2080RDB does not boot with the prepared SD card, NOR boot does work however so the board is still functional.

Thanks for your continued help,

Kyle von Schmacht

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