internal flash memory or debugger issue

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internal flash memory or debugger issue

1,093 次查看
Contributor II



Can somebody help me with this. Before I powered down the system I downloaded the elf file and after I powered up the system again the system doesn't respond at all.

Basically, it looks like the elf file is not saved in internal flash memory.

This thing started recently.


I am using CodeWarrior Development Studio 5.9.0 and MPC5646C microcontroller


I woyld appriciate any help !






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1 解答
742 次查看
Contributor II

Hello Jun,

The problem is solved.

The second core vector table was not right.



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

i wonder if the code was successful downlaod to the right flash address in the first time. after you download the code, don't lose connection, check flash memory address. can you see the code in the expeted flash memory range?

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Contributor II

Hello Jun,

Yes the code was downloaded successfully. When the code (elf file) is downloaded the
program runs normally. I checked the flash memory addresses and everything is
there as it should be. The only problem is when the system is turned off and on
again the program is not running. I tested it when the elf file is downloaded
by outputting some characters on UART, and turning a diode on. However, when
the system is powered down on powered up again the program outputs nothing and
the diode is off.

I am wondering if there is some issue with debugger that comes with
CodeWarrior software. Should I reinstall the CodeWarrior?

Here is one more detail. The previous program that was developed with the
same software for the same target runs normally when the system is powered down
and powered up again. There is no significant difference between those two projects.

Do you have idea what might be the issue here?


0 项奖励
743 次查看
Contributor II

Hello Jun,

The problem is solved.

The second core vector table was not right.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

you are welcome!

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