PCF8883 evaluation board (OM1105)

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PCF8883 evaluation board (OM1105)

1,294 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, I have the PCF8883 evaluation board (OM1105) and I want to make a proximity detection around 1cm with the third plate (CP3) but I only manage to have around 2 mm detection with the max value for CCPC (CU6)...

Is it possible to have 1cm detection with the PCF8883 or should I find another way ?

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1,005 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Stanislas,

The most important side effect of increasing Ccpc is that also the noise sensitivity increases.

At this point, I would like to suggest the documents attached to this response in order to improve your design since the capsensor device has three parameters that influence the switching behavior as shown in the FAQs file.


I hope this material helps.


Best Regards,


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1,005 次查看
Contributor I

Hello David,

Thank you for your answer, even when I worked on the three parameter I didn't manage to get to 1cm proximity... I actually wonder if this capsensor is a good choice for my application.

Best regards,


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