Changes in Secure Provisioning SDK 2.0

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Changes in Secure Provisioning SDK 2.0

Changes in Secure Provisioning SDK 2.0

We plan to upgrade SPSDK to 2.0 in the next release which includes a large scale of changes.  Customers are suggested to prepare for the changes before the 2.0 release (end of Sept 2023).  Major changes in 2.0 are:

  • elftosb will be replaced by nxpimage
  • nxpcertgen and nxpkeygen will be replaced by nxpcrypto
  • select appropriate family will be done using: -f/–family parameter
  • move towards options for all parameters with an exception to BLHost
  • removal of crypto backends
  • extend dedicated spsdk.crypto module - serve as the de-facto backend of SPSDK
  • module level imports via init files
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Version history
Last update:
‎08-08-2023 04:32 PM
Updated by: