se050 uid assignment pattern

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se050 uid assignment pattern

Contributor III


I have a second development board with SE050E chip, and I notice that UIDs (as per ssscli se05x uid) starting and ending with the same digits. Both ending with ...B2591090


I would otherwise assume ending digits are the most volatile or random as much as other UID digits. What is the actual pattern you use?

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1 解決策
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @psvz ,


Actually the last 4 byte of the UID contain the wafer number and the higher bits of the wafer coordinates. In the beginning,  the two bytes after the manufacturer ID (04) are calculated with the lower bits of the wafer coordinates.


Hope that makes sense,


Have a great day,

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3 返答(返信)
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @psvz ,


Yes, the ending part of uid such as "B2591090" is used to indicate the variant, and it is different for each variant , so the actual pattern is just the whole uid.


Hope that makes sense,


Have a great day,

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Contributor III

Hi Kan, thanks for your reply.

I have to use part of those IDs, so I would like to better understand what you mean. Here are my exact UIDs:

Unique ID: 04005001c46782654a8aef040208b2591090
Unique ID: 04005001c64c0de5517397042a05b2591090

So last 8 digits is "variant" you say. What variant - SE050E? so all SE050E have the same last 8 digits?

Apparently, first 8 digits are also common. What are they?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @psvz ,


Actually the last 4 byte of the UID contain the wafer number and the higher bits of the wafer coordinates. In the beginning,  the two bytes after the manufacturer ID (04) are calculated with the lower bits of the wafer coordinates.


Hope that makes sense,


Have a great day,

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