How to avoid jumping to HardFault_Handler in EIM

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How to avoid jumping to HardFault_Handler in EIM

Contributor III

Hi Community,

     I am trying to debug FCCU EIM  as below:


debug condition:

1) software is S32DS 3.5,

2) debugger is Multilink,

3) EVB is Q172,

4) SPD configurations keep defaults except that NMI Notification API is UserAlarmHandler (define as above),

5) FCCU 0 Interrupt and FCCU 1 Interrupt is enabled, FCCU_0_ISR is FCCU_ALARM_ISR, FCCU_1_ISR is FCCU_TIMEOUT_ISR,

My Question is:

1) eMcem_Init() return is E_NOT_OK because register NCF_S0(address:4038_4080h) is always 1 which indicates NCF0 faults occured, and this fault cannot be clear by writing 1, what shall I do for  successful eMcem_Init? or eMcem_Init doesn't support multilink debugging?

2)eMcem_Eim_SetupInjectionChannel() step into highligh code as below ,


 and then jump to HardFault_Handler. What shall I do for successful performing this function ?

3) Is there any S32K3XX example about EIM/ERM including configurations and some codes?

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