How is the data in FEE Blocks stored based on the FEE Cluster Group and Fls Sectors?

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How is the data in FEE Blocks stored based on the FEE Cluster Group and Fls Sectors?

Contributor III

I am developing an application that uses the Fee driver to store some data in NVM of my S32K344 Based Controller (it is a custom board my company uses for its products but is based purely on the S32K344). For my application, I am looking to use minimum number of Fee Blocks to reduce the number of times I call the Fee_Read() and Fee_Write() functions

To start with, I thought of creating just 2 Fls sectors each of 64KB. That way I have 128KB of NVM and so I can create the least number of Fee Blocks as per the requirements of my application. However, when I try to do so, I get an error that says the sector size cannot exceed the size defined by the physical sector which is 8KB. Since I cannot configure the physical sectors to be of 64KB, I have to create multiple Fls sectors which then together form the 128KB NVM I am looking to create. 

Based on this information, I need to now create Fee Blocks. The Fee Blocks have a reference of the Fee Cluster Group which in turn references the Fls sectors through each Fee Cluster. So my question now is, what is the size restriction I have on each Fee Block? Is it 8KB since a sector's maximum size is 8KB? Or is it directly dependent on the Fls sectors included in the Fee Cluster? So for example in my Fee Cluster if I have 4 Fls sectors each of 8KB, can my one Fee Block be of size 32KB?


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